Drag[en]gine Game Engine  1.21
deLight Class Reference

Light source. More...

#include <deLight.h>

Inheritance diagram for deLight:
deResource deObject

Public Types

enum  eLightTypes { eltPoint , eltSpot , eltProjector }
 Light type. More...
enum  eMovementHints { emhStationary , emhJittering , emhDynamic }
 Movement hints. More...
enum  eParameterHints { ephStatic , ephActivation , ephFlicker , ephDynamic }
 Parameter hints. More...
typedef deTObjectReference< deLightRef
 Type holding strong reference. More...
- Public Types inherited from deResource
typedef deTObjectReference< deResourceRef
 Type holding strong reference. More...
- Public Types inherited from deObject
typedef deTObjectReference< deObjectRef
 Type holding strong reference. More...

Public Member Functions

eLightTypes GetType () const
 Light type. More...
void SetType (eLightTypes type)
 Set light type. More...
const decColorGetColor () const
 Light color. More...
void SetColor (const decColor &color)
 Set light color. More...
float GetIntensity () const
 Intensity. More...
void SetIntensity (float intensity)
 Set intensity. More...
float GetRange () const
 Range in meters. More...
void SetRange (float range)
 Set light range in meters. More...
float GetHalfIntensityDistance () const
 Distance in meters at which the intensity is halved. More...
void SetHalfIntensityDistance (float distance)
 Set distance in meters at which the intensity is halved. More...
float GetAmbientRatio () const
 Ratio of ambient light in relation to intensity. More...
void SetAmbientRatio (float ratio)
 Set ratio of ambient light in relation to intensity. More...
const decDVectorGetPosition () const
 Position. More...
void SetPosition (const decDVector &position)
 Set position. More...
const decQuaternionGetOrientation () const
 Orientation. More...
void SetOrientation (const decQuaternion &orientation)
 Set orientation. More...
float GetSpotAngle () const
 Outer spot Angle. More...
void SetSpotAngle (float angle)
 Set outer spot angle. More...
float GetSpotRatio () const
 Spot ratio as height divided by width. More...
void SetSpotRatio (float ratio)
 Set spot ratio as height divided by width. More...
float GetSpotSmoothness () const
 Spot smoothness. More...
void SetSpotSmoothness (float smoothness)
 Set spot smoothness. More...
float GetSpotExponent () const
 Spot exponent. More...
void SetSpotExponent (float exponent)
 Set spot exponent. More...
const decShapeListGetShape () const
 Light shape. More...
void SetShape (const decShapeList &shape)
 Set light shape. More...
deSkinGetLightSkin () const
 Light skin or NULL if not used. More...
void SetLightSkin (deSkin *skin)
 Set light skin or NULL if not used. More...
deCanvasViewGetLightCanvas () const
 Light canvas view or NULL if not used. More...
void SetLightCanvas (deCanvasView *canvas)
 Set light canvas view or NULL if not used. More...
deDynamicSkinGetDynamicSkin () const
 Light dynamic skin or NULL if not used. More...
void SetDynamicSkin (deDynamicSkin *dynamicSkin)
 Set light dynamic skin or NULL if not used. More...
const decTexMatrix2GetTransform () const
 Light texture coordinate transformation matrix. More...
void SetTransform (const decTexMatrix2 &matrix)
 Set light texture coordinate transformation matrix. More...
int GetHintLightImportance () const
 Hint light importance. More...
void SetHintLightImportance (int importance)
 Set hint light importance. More...
int GetHintShadowImportance () const
 Hint shadow importance. More...
void SetHintShadowImportance (int importance)
 Set hint shadow importance. More...
eMovementHints GetHintMovement () const
 Movement hint. More...
void SetHintMovement (eMovementHints hint)
 Set movement hint. More...
eParameterHints GetHintParameter () const
 Parameter hint. More...
void SetHintParameter (eParameterHints hint)
 Set parameter hint. More...
const decShapeListGetCage () const
 Light cage. More...
void SetCage (const decShapeList &cage)
 Set light cage. More...
const decLayerMaskGetLayerMask () const
 Layer mask affecting lighting. More...
void SetLayerMask (const decLayerMask &layerMask)
 Set layer mask affecting lighting. More...
const decLayerMaskGetLayerMaskShadow () const
 Layer mask affecting shadow casting. More...
void SetLayerMaskShadow (const decLayerMask &layerMask)
 Set layer mask affecting shadow casting. More...
bool GetActivated () const
 Light is activated. More...
void SetActivated (bool activated)
 Set if light is activated. More...
bool GetCastShadows () const
 Light casts shadows. More...
void SetCastShadows (bool castShadows)
 Set if light casts shadows. More...
Shadow ignore components
int GetShadowIgnoreComponentCount () const
 Number of components to ignore for shadow casting. More...
deComponentGetShadowIgnoreComponentAt (int index) const
 Component to ignore for shadow casting at index. More...
bool HasShadowIgnoreComponent (deComponent *component) const
 Component to ignore for shadow casting is present. More...
void AddShadowIgnoreComponent (deComponent *component)
 Add component to ignore for shadow casting. More...
void RemoveShadowIgnoreComponent (deComponent *component)
 Remove component to ignore for shadow casting. More...
void RemoveAllShadowIgnoreComponents ()
 Remove all components to ignore for shadow casting. More...
System Peers
deBaseGraphicLightGetPeerGraphic () const
 Graphic system peer. More...
void SetPeerGraphic (deBaseGraphicLight *peer)
 Set graphic system peer. More...
Linked List
deWorldGetParentWorld () const
 Parent world or NULL. More...
void SetParentWorld (deWorld *world)
 Set parent world or NULL. More...
deLightGetLLWorldPrev () const
 Previous light in the parent world linked list. More...
void SetLLWorldPrev (deLight *light)
 Set next light in the parent world linked list. More...
deLightGetLLWorldNext () const
 Next light in the parent world linked list. More...
void SetLLWorldNext (deLight *light)
 Set next light in the parent world linked list. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from deResource
deResourceManagerGetResourceManager () const
 Resource manager or NULL if resource is leaking. More...
deEngineGetEngine () const
 Game engine object from resource manager. More...
deResourceGetLLManagerPrev () const
 Previous resource in the resource manager linked list. More...
void SetLLManagerPrev (deResource *resource)
 Set next resource in the resource manager linked list. More...
deResourceGetLLManagerNext () const
 Next resource in the resource manager linked list. More...
void SetLLManagerNext (deResource *resource)
 Set next resource in the resource manager linked list. More...
void MarkLeaking ()
 Marks the resource leaking. More...
 deResource (deResourceManager *resourceManager)
 Create resource. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from deObject
int GetRefCount () const
 Reference count. More...
void AddReference ()
 Add reference increasing reference count by 1. More...
void FreeReference ()
 Decrease reference count by one and delete object if count reaches 0. More...
 deObject ()
 Create object with reference count of 1. More...

Constructors and Destructors

 deLight (deLightManager *manager)
 Create light source. More...
virtual ~deLight ()
 Clean up light source. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from deResource
virtual ~deResource ()
 Clean up resource. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from deObject
virtual ~deObject ()
 Clean up object. More...

Detailed Description

Light source.

Places a local light source in the world. Light sources have various parameters influencing the light appearance. The color indicates the tint of the light source while the intensities indicate the strength of the light source.

Intensities are measured in an engine specific version of lumen. A value of 1 equals to a lit living room. A value of 20 equals to direct sun light at a sunny and clear sky. This is a resclaing of lumen scala found in literature to avoid large values.

The ambient ratio defines the amount of intensity affecting objects in shadow. Using ambient intensity larger than 0 allows to simulate overhead lights in rooms without needing multiple light sources to cancel out pitch black areas. Using fewer light sources is faster than more. The ambient ratio can be set in the range from 0 to 1. Increasing the ambient ratio only affects shadow areas. The light intensity is not altered.

The half intensity distance and the attenuation exponent determine how the light attenuates over distance. This model is more powerful than the typical static linear-quadratic attenuation model and requires also less parameters. The light is attenuated to half the strength reaching the distance set in the half intensity distance. The attenuation exponent indicates the power to which the distance of a fragment to the light source is raised. A value of 2 yields physically correct lighting while larger values produce dramatic and harsher lighting effects like light staying mostly constant over a given distance then falling off sharply.

The light cage is a hint for graphic modules to optimize lighting. Objects outside the cage shape should not be reachable by the light source. If set properly performance can be increased due to the graphic module requiring less objects to be considered for lighting or shadow casting.

By default light sources have a uniform light color attenuated by the light type and other factors. The light color can be modified using an image, video or canvas. The required image type depends on the light type. For spot and projector lights regular flat images are used. For point lights 3D images are required. The texture coordinates used to sample the image are predefined similar to skin textures.

Lights can be set to not cast shadows. This way point lights can be used to simulate ambient lighting.

The layer mask defines which cameras are affected by light. Matches layer masks in deCamera. The shadow layer mask defines which world content does cast shadows. Matches layer masks in deComponent. If empty both layer mask match everything. A typical use for these layer masks is to use two bits. The light layer mask has the first bit set and the shadow layer mask the second. Cameras have the first bit set so the light is used during rendering. All components have the first bit set to be rendered with the same camera and receive lighting. Only those casting shadows have also the second bit set. This allows to modify shadow casting on a per component level without modifying skin texture properties.

It is also possible to add specific components to a list of components to ignore for shadow casting. This is useful for light source models. The light can be placed inside the model where it is physically correctly located without the model itself causing troubles to the light. Only this light ignores this specific component. All other lights still cast shadows using this specific component.

Light shape can be used to create area lights. It is best to use one shape in the list but potentially more can be set. How well graphic module can handle this situation differs.

Point Light

Point lights emmit light in all directions equally. No additional parameters are used for this light type. Point lights are simple to use but often more expensive than a spot or projector lights especially for shadow casting.

If a light image is used the image data has to be a 3D image. If the image has a depth of 1 it has to be a spherical image (mercartor projection). If the image has a depth of 6 it has to be a cube map type image with each layer representing one cube map face. The order is X+, X-, Y+, Y-, Z+ and Z-. The image is oriented using the light coordinate frame. The light direction equals to the Z+.

Spot and Projector Light

Spot lights emit light in a cone shape. The cone is defined using the light orientation. The angle parameters define the inner and outer angle of the cone. The attenuation due to the cone is multiplied with the distance attenuation. Inside the inner angle no attenuation from the cone is contributed. Outside the outer angle light is attenuated to 0. For angles between the two cone angles an exponential decay is used with the spot exponent indicating the power to use. With these three parameters a large variety of spot lights can be modeled.

If a light image is used the image data has to be a 2D image. The image is applied as if the light source shines through the image like through a slide. The image boundary lines up with the outer cone angle. Due to the cone shape only a radial area fitting into the image are used.

Projector Light Source

Projector lights work similar to spot lights but have a pyramidal shape. This allows to have rectangular shaped lights whereas spot lights are always symmetrical. The angle parameters define the width and height of the pyramid.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Ref

Type holding strong reference.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ eLightTypes

Light type.


Point light.


Spot light.


Projector light.

◆ eMovementHints

Movement hints.


Light remains static for the entire lifetime.


Light remains mostly static jittering in a small area.


Light moves around freely.

◆ eParameterHints

Parameter hints.


Light parameters never change.


Light parameters never change except activation.


Geometric light parameters never change but others can.


All light parameters can change at will any time.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ deLight()

deLight::deLight ( deLightManager manager)

Create light source.

◆ ~deLight()

virtual deLight::~deLight ( )

Clean up light source.

Subclasses should set their destructor protected too to avoid users accidently deleting a reference counted object through the object pointer. Only FreeReference() is allowed to delete the object.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddShadowIgnoreComponent()

void deLight::AddShadowIgnoreComponent ( deComponent component)

Add component to ignore for shadow casting.

deeInvalidParamcomponent is present.

◆ GetActivated()

bool deLight::GetActivated ( ) const

Light is activated.

◆ GetAmbientRatio()

float deLight::GetAmbientRatio ( ) const

Ratio of ambient light in relation to intensity.

◆ GetCage()

const decShapeList& deLight::GetCage ( ) const

Light cage.

◆ GetCastShadows()

bool deLight::GetCastShadows ( ) const

Light casts shadows.

◆ GetColor()

const decColor& deLight::GetColor ( ) const

Light color.

◆ GetDynamicSkin()

deDynamicSkin* deLight::GetDynamicSkin ( ) const

Light dynamic skin or NULL if not used.

◆ GetHalfIntensityDistance()

float deLight::GetHalfIntensityDistance ( ) const

Distance in meters at which the intensity is halved.

◆ GetHintLightImportance()

int deLight::GetHintLightImportance ( ) const

Hint light importance.

◆ GetHintMovement()

eMovementHints deLight::GetHintMovement ( ) const

Movement hint.

◆ GetHintParameter()

eParameterHints deLight::GetHintParameter ( ) const

Parameter hint.

◆ GetHintShadowImportance()

int deLight::GetHintShadowImportance ( ) const

Hint shadow importance.

◆ GetIntensity()

float deLight::GetIntensity ( ) const


◆ GetLayerMask()

const decLayerMask& deLight::GetLayerMask ( ) const

Layer mask affecting lighting.

◆ GetLayerMaskShadow()

const decLayerMask& deLight::GetLayerMaskShadow ( ) const

Layer mask affecting shadow casting.

◆ GetLightCanvas()

deCanvasView* deLight::GetLightCanvas ( ) const

Light canvas view or NULL if not used.

◆ GetLightSkin()

deSkin* deLight::GetLightSkin ( ) const

Light skin or NULL if not used.

◆ GetLLWorldNext()

deLight* deLight::GetLLWorldNext ( ) const

Next light in the parent world linked list.

◆ GetLLWorldPrev()

deLight* deLight::GetLLWorldPrev ( ) const

Previous light in the parent world linked list.

◆ GetOrientation()

const decQuaternion& deLight::GetOrientation ( ) const


◆ GetParentWorld()

deWorld* deLight::GetParentWorld ( ) const

Parent world or NULL.

◆ GetPeerGraphic()

deBaseGraphicLight* deLight::GetPeerGraphic ( ) const

Graphic system peer.

◆ GetPosition()

const decDVector& deLight::GetPosition ( ) const


◆ GetRange()

float deLight::GetRange ( ) const

Range in meters.

◆ GetShadowIgnoreComponentAt()

deComponent* deLight::GetShadowIgnoreComponentAt ( int  index) const

Component to ignore for shadow casting at index.

deeInvalidParamindex is less than 0.
deeInvalidParamindex is greater or equal than GetIgnoreComponentCount()-1.

◆ GetShadowIgnoreComponentCount()

int deLight::GetShadowIgnoreComponentCount ( ) const

Number of components to ignore for shadow casting.

◆ GetShape()

const decShapeList& deLight::GetShape ( ) const

Light shape.

◆ GetSpotAngle()

float deLight::GetSpotAngle ( ) const

Outer spot Angle.

◆ GetSpotExponent()

float deLight::GetSpotExponent ( ) const

Spot exponent.

◆ GetSpotRatio()

float deLight::GetSpotRatio ( ) const

Spot ratio as height divided by width.

◆ GetSpotSmoothness()

float deLight::GetSpotSmoothness ( ) const

Spot smoothness.

◆ GetTransform()

const decTexMatrix2& deLight::GetTransform ( ) const

Light texture coordinate transformation matrix.

◆ GetType()

eLightTypes deLight::GetType ( ) const

Light type.

◆ HasShadowIgnoreComponent()

bool deLight::HasShadowIgnoreComponent ( deComponent component) const

Component to ignore for shadow casting is present.

◆ RemoveAllShadowIgnoreComponents()

void deLight::RemoveAllShadowIgnoreComponents ( )

Remove all components to ignore for shadow casting.

◆ RemoveShadowIgnoreComponent()

void deLight::RemoveShadowIgnoreComponent ( deComponent component)

Remove component to ignore for shadow casting.

deeInvalidParamcomponent is absent.

◆ SetActivated()

void deLight::SetActivated ( bool  activated)

Set if light is activated.

◆ SetAmbientRatio()

void deLight::SetAmbientRatio ( float  ratio)

Set ratio of ambient light in relation to intensity.

◆ SetCage()

void deLight::SetCage ( const decShapeList cage)

Set light cage.

◆ SetCastShadows()

void deLight::SetCastShadows ( bool  castShadows)

Set if light casts shadows.

◆ SetColor()

void deLight::SetColor ( const decColor color)

Set light color.

◆ SetDynamicSkin()

void deLight::SetDynamicSkin ( deDynamicSkin dynamicSkin)

Set light dynamic skin or NULL if not used.

◆ SetHalfIntensityDistance()

void deLight::SetHalfIntensityDistance ( float  distance)

Set distance in meters at which the intensity is halved.

◆ SetHintLightImportance()

void deLight::SetHintLightImportance ( int  importance)

Set hint light importance.

◆ SetHintMovement()

void deLight::SetHintMovement ( eMovementHints  hint)

Set movement hint.

◆ SetHintParameter()

void deLight::SetHintParameter ( eParameterHints  hint)

Set parameter hint.

◆ SetHintShadowImportance()

void deLight::SetHintShadowImportance ( int  importance)

Set hint shadow importance.

◆ SetIntensity()

void deLight::SetIntensity ( float  intensity)

Set intensity.

◆ SetLayerMask()

void deLight::SetLayerMask ( const decLayerMask layerMask)

Set layer mask affecting lighting.

◆ SetLayerMaskShadow()

void deLight::SetLayerMaskShadow ( const decLayerMask layerMask)

Set layer mask affecting shadow casting.

◆ SetLightCanvas()

void deLight::SetLightCanvas ( deCanvasView canvas)

Set light canvas view or NULL if not used.

◆ SetLightSkin()

void deLight::SetLightSkin ( deSkin skin)

Set light skin or NULL if not used.

◆ SetLLWorldNext()

void deLight::SetLLWorldNext ( deLight light)

Set next light in the parent world linked list.

◆ SetLLWorldPrev()

void deLight::SetLLWorldPrev ( deLight light)

Set next light in the parent world linked list.

◆ SetOrientation()

void deLight::SetOrientation ( const decQuaternion orientation)

Set orientation.

◆ SetParentWorld()

void deLight::SetParentWorld ( deWorld world)

Set parent world or NULL.

◆ SetPeerGraphic()

void deLight::SetPeerGraphic ( deBaseGraphicLight peer)

Set graphic system peer.

◆ SetPosition()

void deLight::SetPosition ( const decDVector position)

Set position.

◆ SetRange()

void deLight::SetRange ( float  range)

Set light range in meters.

◆ SetShape()

void deLight::SetShape ( const decShapeList shape)

Set light shape.

◆ SetSpotAngle()

void deLight::SetSpotAngle ( float  angle)

Set outer spot angle.

◆ SetSpotExponent()

void deLight::SetSpotExponent ( float  exponent)

Set spot exponent.

◆ SetSpotRatio()

void deLight::SetSpotRatio ( float  ratio)

Set spot ratio as height divided by width.

◆ SetSpotSmoothness()

void deLight::SetSpotSmoothness ( float  smoothness)

Set spot smoothness.

◆ SetTransform()

void deLight::SetTransform ( const decTexMatrix2 matrix)

Set light texture coordinate transformation matrix.

◆ SetType()

void deLight::SetType ( eLightTypes  type)

Set light type.

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