Local Directory Mode

The Drag[en]gine Game Engine, Launchers and the IGDE can be run in the Local Directory Mode.

The Live Launcher is an example of a launcher using this mode to run games from any directory without installing.

It is possible to run also the IGDE and all launchers in this mode using a source-able file setting up the required Environment Variables with appropriate values. You have to first prepare a directory with the game engine files. For this download the linux binary distribution file and unpack it into a directory of your choice. Then copy the prepare_local_dir_mode.source file into the directory. Change into the directory then source this file like this:

source prepare_local_dir_mode.source

or like this (for consoles not supporting the ‘source’ builtin command):

. prepare_local_dir_mode.source

The terminal is now ready to run delauncher-gui, delauncher-console and deigde binaries from the local directory. All user configuration is also store under the user directory. You can also change the source-able file to choose different directory if needed.