Drag[en]gine Script Module DragonScript 1.24
No Matches
Package Dragengine.Utils


package  StyledText


class  AddDecalVisitor
 Visitor for use by DecalBuilder to create decals for visited elements. More...
class  AISysParamWrapper
 Wrapper interface to simplify access AI system parameters. More...
class  AmrSysParamWrapper
 Wrapper interface to simplify access animator system parameters. More...
class  AnchoredElementList
 List of anchored elements. More...
class  AudSysParamWrapper
 Wrapper interface to simplify access audio system parameters. More...
class  BestMatchTreeList
 List of properties organized as tree to find best matching property. More...
class  BlockFrameUpdateListener
 Frame update litener running block. More...
class  BoxArea
 Immutable box area. More...
class  BoxAreaList
 List of box areas. More...
class  CodecPropertyString
 Provides support for encoding/decoding various data types from/to property strings. More...
class  CollectElementsListener
 Collect owners of hit colliders into an array without duplicates. More...
class  ColorRamp
 Convert ranged value to color from a color ramp. More...
class  CommandLineParser
class  Console
 Console containing system and game messages. More...
interface  ConsoleListener
 Listener for changes in Console. More...
class  ConsoleMessage
 Message send to console. More...
class  ConstructedDynamicSkin
 Construct dynamic skins with multiple skin properties from items. More...
class  ConstructedDynamicSkinItem
 Construct dynamic skin item. More...
class  ConstructedDynamicSkinProperty
 Construct dynamic skin item property. More...
class  CRSysParamWrapper
 Wrapper interface to simplify access crash recovery system parameters. More...
class  DecalBuilder
 Create decals based on a decal definition for each visited element using a visitor. More...
class  DefaultInputProcessor
 Default implementation of InputProcessor. More...
class  ElementResolver
 Resolve element links. More...
class  EngineTranslations
 Game engine translations. More...
class  FormattingHelper
 Provides common text formatting support for UI. More...
class  FrameUpdateListener
 Listener called every time a frame update is done. More...
class  FrameUpdateManager
 Manage frame update listeners. More...
class  GameWorldLoader
 Load game worlds using a loading screen. More...
class  GlobalEvents
 Global events. More...
class  GraSysParamWrapper
 Wrapper interface to simplify access graphic system parameters. More...
class  InpSysParamWrapper
 Wrapper interface to simplify access input system parameters. More...
interface  InputProcessor
 Process InputEvent send from game engine. More...
class  LogConsoleMessages
 Log messages added to Console instance to game engine logger. More...
class  NetSysParamWrapper
 Wrapper interface to simplify access network system parameters. More...
class  Pair
 Immutable pair of two objects. More...
class  ParameterTree
 Nested tree of parameters. More...
class  PhySysParamWrapper
 Wrapper interface to simplify access physics system parameters. More...
class  QuickUseManager
 Set of quick use slots holding elements to quickly use if activated. More...
class  ScreenshotCreator
 Create screenshots of the render window. More...
class  ScrSysParamWrapper
 Wrapper interface to simplify access script system parameters. More...
class  SkinAnnotations
 List of annotations for Skin resources. More...
class  StringIDList
 Ordered list of unique StringID. More...
class  SynthSysParamWrapper
 Wrapper interface to simplify access synthesizer system parameters. More...
interface  SysParamWrapper
 Wrapper interface to simplify access system parameters. More...
class  TagResolver
 Resolve tags in text. More...
interface  TagResolverRule
 Rule for resolving a tag in text. More...
class  TextLayout
class  TextLayoutLine
class  TextureReplacement
 Texture replacement for use with element classes. More...
class  TextureReplacementList
 List of texture replacements. More...
class  Timer
 Timer triggered after a specific amount of time elapsed. More...
class  TimerBlock
 Timer running block. More...
class  TimerManager
 Manage timers. More...
class  TranslationManager
 Manage language translator and language packs. More...
class  TRRVariable
 Rule for resolving variables in text. More...
class  UTF8Navigator
 Navigate UTF-8 encoded string. More...
class  VRSysParamWrapper
 Wrapper interface to simplify access VR system parameters. More...
class  WeightedRandomList
 List of weighted entries for random retrieval. More...