Drag[en]gine Script Module DragonScript 1.24
No Matches
Package Dragengine.Services.Mods


class  DefaultServiceModsListener
 Default implementation of ServiceModsListener. More...
class  ServiceModFilter
 Modification filter for use by ServiceMods. More...
class  ServiceModInfo
 Information about game modification. More...
class  ServiceModProgress
 Progress of a modification management process. More...
class  ServiceModRelease
 Information about modification release. More...
class  ServiceModReport
 Content report of a modification submitted by a user. More...
interface  ServiceMods
 Interface for services supporting managing game modifications. More...
class  ServiceModsFeatures
 Features supported by a ServiceMods instance. More...
interface  ServiceModsListener
 Listener for service response and events related to modification management. More...
class  ServiceModStats
 Modification statistics. More...
class  ServiceModStatus
 Modification status information. More...
class  ServiceModTagCategory
 Category of tags usable with ServiceMods. More...