Drag[en]gine Script Module DragonScript 1.24
No Matches
Package Dragengine.ConversationSystem


class  BaseConversationPlayback
 Conversation playback for use with BaseGameApp. More...
class  CActionActorAdd
 Conversation action adding an actor to the conversation if not there yet. More...
class  CActionActorCommand
 Conversation action sending a command to an actor. More...
class  CActionActorRemove
 Conversation action removing an actor from the conversation if there. More...
class  CActionActorSpeak
 Conversation action making actors speak. More...
class  CActionCameraShot
 Conversation action changing the camera shot. More...
class  CActionCoordSystemAdd
 Conversation action adding a coordinate system to the conversation if not there yet. More...
class  CActionCoordSystemRemove
 Conversation action removing a coordinate system from the conversation if there. More...
class  CActionGameCommand
 Conversation action sending a command to the game. More...
class  CActionIfElse
 Conversation action processing action list depending on condition checking. More...
class  CActionIfElseCase
 If-case for a if-else conversation action. More...
class  CActionMusic
 Conversation action changing game music. More...
class  CActionPlayerChoice
 Conversation action presenting the player with a list of options to select one from. More...
class  CActionPlayerChoiceOption
 Option for a player choice conversation action. More...
class  CActionSetActorParameter
 Conversation action setting an actor parameter. More...
class  CActionSetVariable
 Conversation action setting a conversation variable. More...
class  CActionSnippet
 Conversation action processing a different topic if existing. More...
class  CActionStopConversation
 Conversation action stopping the conversation. More...
class  CActionStopTopic
 Conversation action stopping the topic. More...
class  CActionTrigger
 Conversation action operating a trigger. More...
class  CActionWait
 Conversation action waiting for condition to become false while looping actions. More...
class  CConditionActorCommand
 Conversation condition using value returned by command send to actor. More...
class  CConditionActorInConversation
 Conversation condition determining if actor is in a conversation. More...
class  CConditionActorParameter
 Conversation condition comparing value of actor parameter. More...
class  CConditionGameCommand
 Conversation condition using value returned by command send to game. More...
class  CConditionHasActor
 Conversation condition checking if actor is present in conversation. More...
class  CConditionLogic
 Conversation condition logic operator. More...
class  CConditionTrigger
 Conversation condition testing trigger. More...
class  CConditionVariable
 Conversation condition comparing conversation value. More...
class  CharacterEyesLookAtPlayback
 Conversation Eyes Look-At Playback. More...
class  Conversation
 Conversation script. More...
class  ConversationAction
 Conversation actions. More...
class  ConversationActionIterator
 Iterator for conversation actions. More...
class  ConversationActor
 Actor in a conversation. More...
class  ConversationActorList
 List of conversation actors keyd by identifier. More...
class  ConversationCameraDirector
 Animate camera using camera definition. More...
class  ConversationCameraShot
 Camera shot. More...
class  ConversationCondition
 Conversation conditions. More...
class  ConversationControllerValue
 A controller value in a conversation script. More...
class  ConversationCoordSystem
 Coordinate system for use in conversation. More...
class  ConversationCoordSystemList
 List of conversation coordinate systems keyd by identifier. More...
class  ConversationCustomTarget
 Custom conversation target. More...
class  ConversationFacePose
class  ConversationFacePosePlayback
 Conversation face pose playback. More...
class  ConversationGesture
 Gesture in conversation script. More...
class  ConversationGesturePlayback
 Conversation gesture playback. More...
class  ConversationGesturePoseList
 List of conversation gesture poses keyd by identifier. More...
class  ConversationHeadLookAtPlayback
 Conversation Look-At Playback manipulating locomotion parameters. More...
class  ConversationInputProcessor
 Input processor for simple conversations. More...
class  ConversationLookAtPlayback
 Play back conversation look-ats. More...
class  ConversationPlayback
 Play back conversation. More...
class  ConversationPlaybackGesturePose
 Conversation gesture pose. More...
class  ConversationPlaybackLayer
 Layer in a conversation playback. More...
interface  ConversationPlaybackListener
 Listener for conversation playback. More...
class  ConversationPlaybackLookAt
 Conversation playback look-at. More...
interface  ConversationPlaybackPlayerChoice
 Conversation playback player choice interface. More...
interface  ConversationPlaybackSubTitle
 Conversation playback sub title interface. More...
class  ConversationPlayerChoice
 Action for player choice window entry setting the next conversation actions to run. More...
class  ConversationStrip
 ID duration in a conversation script. More...
class  ConversationTagResolver
 Resolve tags in actor speak action text. More...
interface  ConversationTagResolverRule
 Rule for resolving a tag in actor speak action text. More...
class  ConversationTarget
 Target in a conversation script. More...
class  ConversationTopic
class  ConversationTopicGroup
 Topic group in conversation script. More...
class  CTRRBinding
 Rule for resolving a binding tag in actor speak action text. More...
class  CTRRStyle
 Rule for resolving a style tag in actor speak action text. More...
class  DefaultConversationPlaybackListener