Drag[en]gine Script Module DragonScript 1.24
Classes | |
class | BaseConversationPlayback |
Conversation playback for use with BaseGameApp. More... | |
class | CActionActorAdd |
Conversation action adding an actor to the conversation if not there yet. More... | |
class | CActionActorCommand |
Conversation action sending a command to an actor. More... | |
class | CActionActorRemove |
Conversation action removing an actor from the conversation if there. More... | |
class | CActionActorSpeak |
Conversation action making actors speak. More... | |
class | CActionCameraShot |
Conversation action changing the camera shot. More... | |
class | CActionCoordSystemAdd |
Conversation action adding a coordinate system to the conversation if not there yet. More... | |
class | CActionCoordSystemRemove |
Conversation action removing a coordinate system from the conversation if there. More... | |
class | CActionGameCommand |
Conversation action sending a command to the game. More... | |
class | CActionIfElse |
Conversation action processing action list depending on condition checking. More... | |
class | CActionIfElseCase |
If-case for a if-else conversation action. More... | |
class | CActionMusic |
Conversation action changing game music. More... | |
class | CActionPlayerChoice |
Conversation action presenting the player with a list of options to select one from. More... | |
class | CActionPlayerChoiceOption |
Option for a player choice conversation action. More... | |
class | CActionSetActorParameter |
Conversation action setting an actor parameter. More... | |
class | CActionSetVariable |
Conversation action setting a conversation variable. More... | |
class | CActionSnippet |
Conversation action processing a different topic if existing. More... | |
class | CActionStopConversation |
Conversation action stopping the conversation. More... | |
class | CActionStopTopic |
Conversation action stopping the topic. More... | |
class | CActionTrigger |
Conversation action operating a trigger. More... | |
class | CActionWait |
Conversation action waiting for condition to become false while looping actions. More... | |
class | CConditionActorCommand |
Conversation condition using value returned by command send to actor. More... | |
class | CConditionActorInConversation |
Conversation condition determining if actor is in a conversation. More... | |
class | CConditionActorParameter |
Conversation condition comparing value of actor parameter. More... | |
class | CConditionGameCommand |
Conversation condition using value returned by command send to game. More... | |
class | CConditionHasActor |
Conversation condition checking if actor is present in conversation. More... | |
class | CConditionLogic |
Conversation condition logic operator. More... | |
class | CConditionTrigger |
Conversation condition testing trigger. More... | |
class | CConditionVariable |
Conversation condition comparing conversation value. More... | |
class | CharacterEyesLookAtPlayback |
Conversation Eyes Look-At Playback. More... | |
class | Conversation |
Conversation script. More... | |
class | ConversationAction |
Conversation actions. More... | |
class | ConversationActionIterator |
Iterator for conversation actions. More... | |
class | ConversationActor |
Actor in a conversation. More... | |
class | ConversationActorList |
List of conversation actors keyd by identifier. More... | |
class | ConversationCameraDirector |
Animate camera using camera definition. More... | |
class | ConversationCameraShot |
Camera shot. More... | |
class | ConversationCondition |
Conversation conditions. More... | |
class | ConversationControllerValue |
A controller value in a conversation script. More... | |
class | ConversationCoordSystem |
Coordinate system for use in conversation. More... | |
class | ConversationCoordSystemList |
List of conversation coordinate systems keyd by identifier. More... | |
class | ConversationCustomTarget |
Custom conversation target. More... | |
class | ConversationFacePose |
class | ConversationFacePosePlayback |
Conversation face pose playback. More... | |
class | ConversationGesture |
Gesture in conversation script. More... | |
class | ConversationGesturePlayback |
Conversation gesture playback. More... | |
class | ConversationGesturePoseList |
List of conversation gesture poses keyd by identifier. More... | |
class | ConversationHeadLookAtPlayback |
Conversation Look-At Playback manipulating locomotion parameters. More... | |
class | ConversationInputProcessor |
Input processor for simple conversations. More... | |
class | ConversationLookAtPlayback |
Play back conversation look-ats. More... | |
class | ConversationPlayback |
Play back conversation. More... | |
class | ConversationPlaybackGesturePose |
Conversation gesture pose. More... | |
class | ConversationPlaybackLayer |
Layer in a conversation playback. More... | |
interface | ConversationPlaybackListener |
Listener for conversation playback. More... | |
class | ConversationPlaybackLookAt |
Conversation playback look-at. More... | |
interface | ConversationPlaybackPlayerChoice |
Conversation playback player choice interface. More... | |
interface | ConversationPlaybackSubTitle |
Conversation playback sub title interface. More... | |
class | ConversationPlayerChoice |
Action for player choice window entry setting the next conversation actions to run. More... | |
class | ConversationStrip |
ID duration in a conversation script. More... | |
class | ConversationTagResolver |
Resolve tags in actor speak action text. More... | |
interface | ConversationTagResolverRule |
Rule for resolving a tag in actor speak action text. More... | |
class | ConversationTarget |
Target in a conversation script. More... | |
class | ConversationTopic |
class | ConversationTopicGroup |
Topic group in conversation script. More... | |
class | CTRRBinding |
Rule for resolving a binding tag in actor speak action text. More... | |
class | CTRRStyle |
Rule for resolving a style tag in actor speak action text. More... | |
class | DefaultConversationPlaybackListener |