Drag[en]gine Script Module DragonScript 1.24
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Dragengine.TestSystem.TestGameApp Class Reference

BaseGameApp for use by tests. More...

Inheritance diagram for Dragengine.TestSystem.TestGameApp:
Dragengine.BaseGameApp Dragengine.Game

Public Member Functions

void initGame ()
TestGameApp new ()
 Create test game application.
void onFrameUpdate ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Dragengine.BaseGameApp
void cancelLoadGameWorld ()
 Cancel loading game world.
void cleanUp ()
 Called by the game engine to clean up before the game exits.
BaseConversationPlayback createConversationPlayback (Conversation conversation)
 Create conversation playback.
InputProcessor createInputProcessorBindings ()
 Create input processor to forward events to binding manager.
InputProcessor createInputProcessorDesktop ()
 Create input processor to forward events to desktop widget.
DefaultBindingHelper defaultBindings ()
 Create default bindings.
void desktopLoadGuiTheme (String filename)
 Load gui theme and assign it to desktop widget.
void finishLoadGameWorld ()
 Finish loading game world.
BaseGameServices getBaseGameServices ()
 Base game services.
BindingManager getBindingManager ()
 Binding manager.
CommandManager getCommandManager ()
 Command Manager.
ParameterTree getConfiguration ()
 Game configuration.
ConnectionTracker getConnectionTracker ()
 Connection tracker.
Console getConsole ()
 Console object.
ConsoleCommandList getConsoleCommands ()
 Console command list.
Desktop getDesktop ()
 Desktop widget.
ElementClassList getElementClassList ()
 Element classes list.
GameWorldLoader getGameWorldLoader ()
 Game world loader or null.
GlobalEvents getGlobalEvents ()
 Global event manager.
MutableID getIDGenerator ()
 ID Generator.
InputProcessor getInputProcessor ()
 Input Processor.
bool getInverseLookVertical ()
 Invert looking up-down.
Loaders getLoaders ()
float getMouseSensitivity ()
 Mouse sensitivity.
NetworkStateTracker getNetworkStateTracker ()
 Network state tracker.
PanelHud getPanelHud ()
 Game world HUD panel or null.
ECBehaviorPlayerControllable.Tracker getPlayerControlledActor ()
 Player controlled actor tracker.
ScreenshotCreator getScreenshotCreator ()
 Screenshot creator.
ParameterTree getSettings ()
 Saved settings.
SkinAnnotations getSkinAnnotations ()
 Skin annotations.
TranslationManager getTranslationManager ()
 Translation manager.
TSTriggerTable getTriggerTable ()
 Trigger table.
WindowConsole getWindowConsole ()
 Console window toggled using CommandToggleConsole or null if absent.
WindowGameWorld getWindowGameWorld ()
 Game world window or null.
WindowPlayerChoice getWindowPlayerChoice ()
 PlayerChoice window or null if absent.
WindowSubTitle getWindowSubTitle ()
 SubTitle window or null if absent.
void initSettings ()
 Init settings with default values.
void inputEvent (InputEvent event)
 Process input event.
void onResizeRenderWindow ()
 Render window size changed.
void quitGame ()
 Quit game.
void saveBindings ()
 Save bindings to the bindings file.
void saveSettings ()
 Save settings to the settings file.
void setDesktop (Desktop desktop)
 Set desktop widget.
void setInputProcessor (InputProcessor inputProcessor)
 Set input processor.
void setInputProcessorBindings ()
 Set input processor to forward events to binding manager.
void setInputProcessorDesktop ()
 Set input processor to forward events to desktop widget.
void setInputProcessorNothing ()
 Set input processor to nothing.
void setInverseLookVertical (bool inverseLookVertical)
 Set if looking up-down is inverted.
void setMouseSensitivity (float sensitivity)
 Set mouse sensitivity.
void startLoadGameWorld (GameWorldLoader loader)
 Start loading game world.
void userRequestedQuit ()
 User requested window to be closed.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Dragengine.Game
void onAppActivate ()
 Called after the application received or lost focus.
int getArgumentCount ()
 Number of command line arguments given to the game.
String getArgumentAt (int index)
 Command line argument given to the game.
String getRestartInfo ()
 Information passed to Engine::restart(String) before restarting.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Dragengine.BaseGameApp
static BaseGameApp getApp ()
 The one and only application object.
- Public Attributes inherited from Dragengine.BaseGameApp
BaseGameServices pBaseGameServices
BindingManager pBindingManager
CommandManager pCommandManager
ParameterTree pConfiguration
ConnectionTracker pConnectionTracker
Console pConsole
ConsoleCommandList pConsoleCommands
Desktop pDesktop
ElementClassList pElementClassList
GameWorldLoader pGameWorldLoader
GlobalEvents pGlobalEvents
MutableID pIDGenerator
InputProcessor pInputProcessor
Loaders pLoaders
NetworkStateTracker pNetworkStateTracker
PanelHud pPanelHud
ECBehaviorPlayerControllable.Tracker pPlayerControlledActor
ScreenshotCreator pScreenshotCreator
ParameterTree pSettings
SkinAnnotations pSkinAnnotations
TranslationManager pTranslationManager
TSTriggerTable pTriggerTable
WindowConsole pWindowConsole
WindowGameWorld pWindowGameWorld
WindowPlayerChoice pWindowPlayerChoice
WindowSubTitle pWindowSubTitle
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Dragengine.BaseGameApp
static final String defaultPathGuiTheme = "/shareddata/guithemes/modern/modern.guitheme.xml"
 Path of default gui theme provided by the DragonScript module.
static String eventDeviceAttachedDetached = "deviceAttachedDetached"
 Global event send if input devices have been attached or detached.
static String eventDeviceParamsChanged = "deviceParamsChanged"
 Global event send if input device parameters have changed.
static BaseGameApp pApp = null
static final String settingInputInvertLookVertical = "input.invertLookVertical"
 Invert looking up-down setting key.
static final String settingInputMouseSensitivity = "input/mouseSensitivity"
 Mouse sensitivity.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Dragengine.BaseGameApp
void autoInitBaseGameServices ()
 Auto initialize base game services.
void createAndAddCommands ()
 Create commands and add them to command list.
void createAndAddConsoleCommands ()
 Create console commands and add them to console command list.
void createAndAddElementClasses ()
 Create element classes and add them to element class list.
void createAndSetDesktop ()
 Create and set desktop.
BaseGameServices createBaseGameServices ()
 Create base game services.
ConnectionTracker createConnectionTracker ()
 Create connection tracker.
NetworkStateTracker createNetworkStateTracker ()
 Create network state tracker.
PanelHud createPanelHud ()
 Create game world hud panel.
ScreenshotCreator createScreenshotCreator ()
 Create screen shot creater.
SkinAnnotations createSkinAnnotations ()
 Create skin annotations.
TranslationManager createTranslationManager ()
 Create translation manager.
TSTriggerTable createTriggerTable ()
 Create trigger table.
WindowConsole createWindowConsole ()
 Create console window.
WindowGameWorld createWindowGameWorld ()
 Create game world window.
WindowPlayerChoice createWindowPlayerChoice ()
 Create player choice window.
WindowSubTitle createWindowSubTitle ()
 Create sub title window.
void initLanguages ()
 Load language packs and select active language pack.
void loadBindings ()
 Load bindings from saved configuration or create default bindings.
void loadConfiguration ()
 Load configuration from parameter tree XML file if present.
void loadSettings ()
 Load settings from saved settings or set default settings.
void registerPersistencyFactories ()
 Register persistency factories.
- Protected Attributes inherited from Dragengine.BaseGameApp
int defaultConsoleBufferSize
 Default console buffer size.
float defaultInputMouseAxisScale
 Default binding input processor mouse axis scale factor.
float defaultInputMouseWheelScale
 Default binding input processor mouse wheel scale factor.
String defaultLanguagePackIdentifier
 Name of default language pack to activate.
UnicodeString defaultLanguagePackName
 Name of default language pack to activate.
String pathConfiguration
 Configuration file path property.
String pathDesktopGuiTheme
 Desktop gui theme path property.
String pathLanguagePacks
 Path to directory containing language packs.
String pathSavedBindings
 Binding save file path property.
String pathSavedSettings
 Application settings file path property.

Detailed Description

BaseGameApp for use by tests.


This class has to nullify all side effects of using BaseGameApp which interferes with the regular application handling. This is a bit complicated but ensures tests can run against an as-vanilla-as-possibe BaseGameApp without breaking the test application.

Member Function Documentation

◆ initGame()

void Dragengine.TestSystem.TestGameApp.initGame ( )

Overrides BaseGameApp.initGame()

Reimplemented from Dragengine.BaseGameApp.

◆ new()

TestGameApp Dragengine.TestSystem.TestGameApp.new ( )

Create test game application.

Reimplemented from Dragengine.BaseGameApp.

◆ onFrameUpdate()

void Dragengine.TestSystem.TestGameApp.onFrameUpdate ( )

Overrides BaseGameApp.onFrameUpdate()

Reimplemented from Dragengine.BaseGameApp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: