Drag[en]gine Script Module DragonScript 1.24
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Dragengine.Scenery.PhysicsElementClass Class Reference

Physics element class. More...

Inheritance diagram for Dragengine.Scenery.PhysicsElementClass:
Dragengine.Scenery.BehaviorElementClass Dragengine.Scenery.ElementClass Dragengine.ResourceListener

Public Member Functions

ElementClass duplicateNamed (String classname)
 Create copy of element class.
ECBehaviorAttachToParent getAttachToParent ()
 Attach to parent behavior.
ECBehaviorCollider getCollider ()
 Collider behavior.
ECBehaviorComponent getComponent ()
 Component behavior.
PhysicsElementClass new ()
 Create element class using loaders from BaseGameApp.
PhysicsElementClass new (String className)
 Create element class using loaders from BaseGameApp.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Dragengine.Scenery.BehaviorElementClass
void addBehavior (ECBehavior behavior)
 Add behavior.
void addPrepareStubBehavior (BehaviorPrepareStub behavior)
 Add behavior to be notified before initialization is done.
Array collectBehaviors (Block ablock)
 Collect behaviors with block into Array.
void createAndAddElement (StubElement stub, GameWorld gameWorld)
 Create element from given stub and add it to game world.
void dispose ()
 Dispose of element class.
ECBehavior findBehavior (Block ablock)
 Find behavior with block.
void forEachBehavior (Block ablock)
 Visit behaviors with block.
void forEachBehaviorDirect (Block ablock)
 Visit behaviors with block.
void forEachPrepareStubBehavior (Block ablock)
 Visit prepare stub behaviors with block. version 1.23.
void forEachPreventCreationBehavior (Block ablock)
 Visit prevent creation behaviors with block. version 1.23.
ECBehavior getBehaviorAt (int index)
 Behavior at index.
BehaviorElementClass new (Loaders loaders)
 Create element class.
BehaviorElementClass new (String className, Loaders loaders)
 Create element class.
void prepareStubs (StubElement stub, GameWorld gameWorld, bool loading)
 Call prepareStub on all prepare stub behaviors.
bool preventCreation (StubElement stub, GameWorld gameWorld)
 Call prepareStub on all prepare stub behaviors.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Dragengine.Scenery.ElementClass
void addProperty (ElementClassProperty property)
 Add property.
void copyPropertyValues (ElementClass eclass)
 Copy values of properties from another class to properties of this class.
Element createElement (StubElement stub)
 Create element instance from stub.
bool equals (Object obj)
 Element class is equal to another object.
void failedLoading (String path, ResourceLoaderType resourceType)
 Resource failed loading.
void finishedLoading (String path, ResourceLoaderType resourceType, Object resource)
 Resource finished loading successfully.
void forEachProperty (Block ablock)
 Visit properties with block with parameter ElementClass.
String getBasePath ()
 Base path for relative loading of resource properties.
CodecPropertyString getCodecPropertyString ()
 Property codec helper.
bool getIsXmlElementClass ()
 Element class is an XML element class.
bool getPersistable ()
 Element class is persistable to file writers.
int getPropertyCount ()
 Number of properties.
ElementClassProperty getPropertyNamed (String name)
 Named property or null if absent.
Array getPropertyNames ()
 List of property names as array of strings.
TSTriggerExpressionParser getTriggerExpressionParser ()
 Trigger expression parser.
int hashCode ()
 Hash code.
bool hasPropertyNamed (String name)
 Named property is present.
Object injectProperty (Object injectValue, Block ablock)
 Process value visiting properties.
void loadAndAddElement (PersistencyEnvironment env, StubElement stub, FileReader reader, GameWorld gameWorld)
 Load element from file reader and add it to game world.
Element loadElement (PersistencyEnvironment env, StubElement stub, FileReader reader)
 Load element from file reader.
void removeAllProperties ()
 Remove all properties.
void removeProperty (ElementClassProperty property)
 Remove property.
void setBasePath (String path)
 Set base path for relative loading of resource properties.
void setIsXmlElementClass (bool isXmlElementClass)
 Set if element class is an XML element class.
void setPersistable (bool persistable)
 Set element class is persistable to file writers.
void setPropertyValue (String name, Object value)
 Set value of named property.

Protected Member Functions

Element createElement ()
 Create element instance.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Dragengine.Scenery.ElementClass
static CodecPropertyString getSharedCodecPropertyString ()
 Shared property codec helper.
static TSTriggerExpressionParser getSharedTriggerExpressionParser ()
 Shared trigger expression parser.
static void setSharedCodecPropertyString (CodecPropertyString codec)
 Set shared property codec helper.
static void setSharedTriggerExpressionParser (TSTriggerExpressionParser parser)
 Set shared trigger expression parser.
- Public Attributes inherited from Dragengine.Scenery.BehaviorElementClass
Array pBehaviors
Array pPrepareStubBehaviors
Array pPreventCreationBehaviors

Detailed Description

Physics element class.

Physics behavior element composing of these behaviors:

  • ECBehaviorComponent
  • ECBehaviorCollider
  • ECBehaviorAttachToParent

This class is a quick way to add physics elements to a game world. Such elements use CollisionResponse.dynamic and are affected by physical simulation. You can create new element classes by subclassing and adding additional behaviors. It is usually though better to create a new BehaviorElementClass subclass instead adding the desired behaviors. This also allows to use subclassed behaviors for specific needs.

The default collision filter makes the physics element being affected by BaseGameApp.CollisionFilterBit.actor but not BaseGameApp.CollisionFilterBit.actorAI . This is on purpose. If BaseGameApp.CollisionFilterBit.actorAI is used then the actor will stop moving when it touches the physics element. This prevents the actor from pushing the physics element. Instead by using BaseGameApp.CollisionFilterBit.actor the actor AI collider is moving through the physics element as if it is not present. The regular collider present in the actor can then be used to assign a shape which affects the physics element.

Member Function Documentation

◆ createElement()

Element Dragengine.Scenery.PhysicsElementClass.createElement ( )

Create element instance.

If this element class does not support creating elements, for example because the result is not an element, null has to be returned. The default implementation returns null. Subclasses not intending to create elements or requiring special creation handling should subclass createAndAddElement() and loadAndAddElement() bypassing this method.

Reimplemented from Dragengine.Scenery.ElementClass.

◆ duplicateNamed()

ElementClass Dragengine.Scenery.PhysicsElementClass.duplicateNamed ( String  classname)

Create copy of element class.

Reimplemented from Dragengine.Scenery.ElementClass.

◆ getAttachToParent()

ECBehaviorAttachToParent Dragengine.Scenery.PhysicsElementClass.getAttachToParent ( )

Attach to parent behavior.

◆ getCollider()

ECBehaviorCollider Dragengine.Scenery.PhysicsElementClass.getCollider ( )

Collider behavior.

◆ getComponent()

ECBehaviorComponent Dragengine.Scenery.PhysicsElementClass.getComponent ( )

Component behavior.

◆ new() [1/2]

PhysicsElementClass Dragengine.Scenery.PhysicsElementClass.new ( )

Create element class using loaders from BaseGameApp.

Reimplemented from Dragengine.Scenery.BehaviorElementClass.

◆ new() [2/2]

PhysicsElementClass Dragengine.Scenery.PhysicsElementClass.new ( String  className)

Create element class using loaders from BaseGameApp.

Reimplemented from Dragengine.Scenery.BehaviorElementClass.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: