void | dispose () |
| Dispose of behavior.
ECPString | getBone () |
| Test bone.
ECBehaviorCollider | getCollider () |
| Collider behavior or null.
ECComposeCollisionFilter | getCollisionFilter () |
| Collision filter for AI collider.
ECBehaviorComponent | getComponent () |
| Component behavior or null.
ECPVector | getDirection () |
| Normalized test direction.
ECPFloat | getOffset () |
| Test origin offset.
ECPVector | getOrientation () |
| Test orientation.
ECPVector | getOrigin () |
| Test origin.
ECPFloat | getRange () |
| Test range.
Instance | instance (BehaviorElement element) |
| Get instance in element from owner element class.
ECBehaviorHitScan | new (BehaviorElementClass eclass, ECBehaviorCollider collider, ECBehaviorComponent component) |
| Create behavior element class.
ECBehaviorHitScan | new (BehaviorElementClass eclass, ECBehaviorCollider collider, ECBehaviorComponent component, String id) |
ECBehaviorHitScan | new (BehaviorElementClass eclass, ECBehaviorCollider collider, ECBehaviorComponent component, String id, String prefix) |
void | assignInstanceIndex (int instanceIndex) |
| Assign instance index.
String | getBehaviorID () |
| Unique identifier of behavior.
String | getID () |
| Identifier.
int | getInstanceIndex () |
| Instance index.
void | loadSupportedData (String identifier, PersistencyEnvironment env, FileReader reader, ECBehaviorInstance instance) |
| Load instance data of another behavior.
bool | supportsBehaviorID (String identifier) |
| Behavior supports loading instance data of another behavior.
ECBehaviorInstance | createInstance (BehaviorElement element) |
| Create Behavior instance.
Behavior adding hit-scan support to elements.
Behavior supports using one or more collider collision tests to do one or more hit scans for example to check for weapon projectile impacts. Hit scans are done once then the result can be examine. To use this behavior add ECBehaviorCollider then this behavior. The collider is used to carry the collision tests.
To start a series of hit-scans call one of the start() methods to set up the hit-scans. You can set up the hit-scans manually or use the convenience methods to set up hit-scans matching typical use cases. Starting hit scans has to be done during think() time.
After setting up hit scans during think() the physics module carries out the desired collision tests. The result can be evaluated during the following postThink() or the the next think() call.
A typical scenario is a projectile weapon triggered by the actor. The weapon element has the ECBehaviorHitScan. When the player triggers the weapon the hit-scan is started() in the think() phase and the hits evaluated in the postThink() phase.
func new()
func new()
public var bool doesFireWeapon
func void think(float elapsed)
if doesPlayerFireWeapon()
doesFireWeapon = true
func void postThink(float elapsed)
if doesFireWeapon
doesFireWeapon = false
if test.hitCollider(0) != null
var BehaviorElement target = test.hitCollider(0).getOwner() cast BehaviorElement
Base actor action for first person type actors.
Definition BAAFirstPerson.ds:60
Behavior element element class.
Definition BehaviorElementClass.ds:50
Behavior element.
Definition BehaviorElement.ds:56
Behavior element behavior adding collider support.
Definition ECBehaviorCollider.ds:145
Behavior adding hit-scan support to elements.
Definition ECBehaviorHitScan.ds:107
Another possibility is to create a behavior attached to the weapon element doing the same. This moves the weapon hit and damage logic to a behavior with the actor only triggering the behavior and having nothing to do with it.