Drag[en]gine Script Module DragonScript 1.24
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Dragengine.Scenery.ColliderComponent Class Reference

Component collider. More...

Inheritance diagram for Dragengine.Scenery.ColliderComponent:
Dragengine.Scenery.ColliderRig Dragengine.Scenery.Collider

Public Member Functions

ColliderComponent new ()
 Create component collider.
void copyStatesFromComponent ()
 Copy states from set component to collider.
void copyStateFromComponent (int bone)
 Copy state from set component bone to collider.
void copyStatesToComponent ()
 Copy states from collider to set component.
void copyStateToComponent (int bone)
 Copy states from collider bone to set component bone.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Dragengine.Scenery.ColliderRig
DVector boneGetPosition (int bone)
 Center mass position of bone in world coordinates.
void boneSetPosition (int bone, DVector position)
 Set center mass position of bone in world coordinates.
Quaternion boneGetOrientation (int bone)
 Center mass orientation of bone in world coordinates.
void boneSetOrientation (int bone, Quaternion orientation)
 Set center mass orientation of bone in world coordinates.
Vector boneGetLinearVelocity (int bone)
 Center mass linear velocity of bone in m/s in world coordinates.
void boneSetLinearVelocity (int bone, Vector velocity)
 Set center mass linear velocity of bone in m/s in world coordinates.
Vector boneGetAngularVelocity (int bone)
 Center mass angular velocity of bone in degrees/s in world coordinates.
void boneSetAngularVelocity (int bone, Vector velocity)
 Set center mass angular velocity of bone in degrees/s in world coordinates.
DMatrix boneGetMatrix (int bone)
 Center mass matrix of bone in world coordinates.
DMatrix boneGetInverseMatrix (int bone)
 Inverse center mass matrix of bone in world coordinates.
void enableRigBoneConstraints (int bone, bool enable)
 Enable or disable bone constraints defined in rig.
void copyStatesFromCollider (ColliderRig collider)
 Copy bone states from collider.
void copyStateFromCollider (int bone, ColliderRig collider)
 Copy bone state from collider.
void copyStateFromCollider (int boneFrom, int boneTo, ColliderRig collider)
 Copy bone state from collider bone.
void attachRig (Object resource)
 Attach collider rig or component synchronizing bone states.
void attachBone (Object resource, String targetBone)
 Attach collider at bone relative to current position.
void attachBone (Object resource, String targetBone, Vector position, Quaternion orientation)
 Attach collider at bone with specific position.
void attachWeight (Object resource, CollisionInfo colInfo)
 Attach collider at position defined by weighting bones.
void boneApplyImpuls (int bone, Vector impuls)
 Apply impulse at center mass point of bone.
void boneApplyImpulsAt (int bone, Vector impuls, Vector position)
 Apply impulse at position relative to bone.
void boneApplyTorque (int bone, Vector torque)
 Apply torque at center mass point of bone.
void boneApplyTorqueImpuls (int bone, Vector torqueImpuls)
 Apply torque and impulse at center mass point of bone.
void boneApplyForce (int bone, Vector force)
 Apply force at center mass point of bone.
void boneApplyForceAt (int bone, Vector force, Vector position)
 Apply force at position relative to bone.
Rig getRig ()
 Rig or null if not set.
void setRig (Rig rig)
 Set rig or null if not set.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Dragengine.Scenery.Collider
int getAttachmentCount ()
 Number of attachments.
Object getAttachedResource (int index)
 Resource of attachment at index.
void attachStatic (Object resource)
 Attach resource using static mode relative to current position.
void attachStatic (Object resource, Vector position, Quaternion orientation)
 Attach resource using static mode with specific position.
void attachRelativeMovement (Object resource)
 Attach collider keeping relative position and orientation.
void detach (Object resource)
 Detach resource.
void detachAll ()
 Detach all resources.
void attachmentsForceUpdate ()
 Force update of all attachments.
int getConstraintCount ()
 Number of constraints.
void addConstraint (ColliderConstraint constraint)
 Add constraint from a collider constraint.
bool hasConstraint (ColliderConstraint constraint)
 Constraint with same bone, target collider and target bone is present.
int indexOfConstraint (ColliderConstraint constraint)
 Index of constraint with same bone, target collider and target bone or -1 if absent.
ColliderConstraint getConstraintAt (int index)
 Constraint at index.
void setConstraintAt (int index, ColliderConstraint constraint)
 Set constraint from a collider constraint.
void removeConstraint (ColliderConstraint constraint)
 Remove constraint with same bone, target collider and target bone.
void removeConstraintFrom (int index)
 Remove constraint from index.
void removeAllConstraints ()
 Remove all constraints.
int getIgnoreColliderCount ()
 Number of colliders to ignore.
Collider getIgnoreColliderAt (int index)
 Ignore collider at index.
bool hasIgnoreCollider (Collider collider)
 Ignore collider is present.
void addIgnoreCollider (Collider collider)
 Add collider to ignore.
void removeIgnoreCollider (Collider collider)
 Remove collider to ignore.
void removeAllIgnoreColliders ()
 Remove all colliders to ignore.
int getCollisionTestCount ()
 Number of post physics collision tests.
ColliderCollisionTest getCollisionTestAt (int index)
 Post physics collision test at index.
void addCollisionTest (ColliderCollisionTest collisionTest)
 Add post physics collision test.
void removeCollisionTest (ColliderCollisionTest collisionTest)
 Remove post physics collision test.
void removeAllCollisionTests ()
 Remove all post physics collision tests.
void applyImpuls (Vector impuls)
 Apply impulse at central mass point.
void applyImpulsAt (Vector impuls, Vector position)
 Apply impulse at position.
void applyTorque (Vector torque)
 Apply torque at central mass point.
void applyTorqueImpuls (Vector torqueImpuls)
 Apply torque and impulse at center mass point.
void applyForce (Vector force)
 Apply force at central mass point.
void applyForceAt (Vector force, Vector position)
 Apply force at position.
ColliderListener getColliderListener ()
 Collider listener or null if not set.
void setColliderListener (ColliderListener listener)
 Set collider listener or null to clear.
bool colliderListenerGetCustomCanHit ()
 Custom can hit callback is enabled.
void colliderListenerSetCustomCanHit (bool customCanHit)
 Set if custom can hit callback is enabled.
ColliderBreakingListener getBreakingListener ()
 Breaking listener or null if not set.
void setBreakingListener (ColliderBreakingListener listener)
 Set breaking listener or null if not set.
bool pointInside (DVector point)
 Point is inside collider.
void rayHits (DVector rayOrigin, Vector rayDirection, ColliderListener listener)
 Ray cast intersection test.
void rayHitsClosest (DVector rayOrigin, Vector rayDirection, ColliderListener listener)
 Closest ray cast intersection test.
void colliderHits (Collider collider, ColliderListener listener)
 Test collider for intersection.
void colliderMoveHits (Collider collider, Vector displacement, ColliderListener listener)
 Tests moving collider for collision.
void colliderMoveHitsCLosest (Collider collider, Vector displacement, ColliderListener listener)
 Tests moving collider for collision.
void colliderRotateHits (Collider collider, ColliderListener listener)
 Test rotating collider for collision.
void colliderRotateHitsClosest (Collider collider, ColliderListener listener)
 Test rotating collider for collision.
void colliderMoveRotateHits (Collider collider, Vector displacement, ColliderListener listener)
 Test moving and rotating collider for collision.
void colliderMoveRotateHitsClosest (Collider collider, Vector displacement, ColliderListener listener)
 Test moving and rotating collider for collision.
DVector getPosition ()
void setPosition (DVector position)
 Set position.
Quaternion getOrientation ()
void setOrientation (Quaternion orientation)
 Set orientation.
Vector getScale ()
void setScale (Vector scale)
 Set scale.
void setGeometry (DVector position, Quaternion orientation)
 Set position and orientation at the same time.
void setGeometry (DVector position, Quaternion orientation, Vector scale)
 Set position and orientation at the same time.
Vector getView ()
 View direction.
Vector getUp ()
 Up direction.
Vector getRight ()
 Right direction.
DMatrix getMatrix ()
 Get matrix.
DMatrix getInverseMatrix ()
 Get inverse matrix.
Vector getLinearVelocity ()
 Linear velocity in m/s.
void setLinearVelocity (Vector linVelo)
 Set linear velocity in m/s.
Vector getAngularVelocity ()
 Angular velocity in degrees/s.
void setAngularVelocity (Vector angVelo)
 Set angular velocity degrees/s.
float getMass ()
 Mass in kg.
void setMass (float mass)
 Set mass in kg.
Vector getGravity ()
 Constant acceleration in N/s^2.
void setGravity (Vector force)
 Set constant acceleration in N/s^2.
bool getEnabled ()
 Collider is enabled.
void setEnabled (bool enabled)
 Set if collider is enabled.
CollisionResponse getResponseType ()
 Response type.
void setResponseType (CollisionResponse responseType)
 Set response type.
bool getUseLocalGravity ()
 Collider defined gravity is used instead of World gravity.
void setUseLocalGravity (bool useLocalGravity)
 Set if collider defined gravity is used instead of World gravity.
Object getOwner ()
 Object owning the collider for interaction or null if not used.
void setOwner (Object owner)
 Set object owning the collider for interaction or null if not used.
float getForceFieldDirect ()
 Factor for direct type force fields.
void setForceFieldDirect (float factor)
 Set factor for direct type force fields.
float getForceFieldSurface ()
 Factor for surface type force fields.
void setForceFieldSurface (float factor)
 Set factor for surface type force fields.
float getForceFieldMass ()
 Factor for mass type force fields.
void setForceFieldMass (float factor)
 Set factor for mass type force fields.
float getForceFieldSpeed ()
 Factor for speed type force fields.
void setForceFieldSpeed (float factor)
 Set factor for speed type force fields.
CollisionFilter getCollisionFilter ()
 Collision filter.
void setCollisionFilter (CollisionFilter collisionFilter)
 Set collision filter.


Component getComponent ()
 Component or null if not set.
void setComponent (Component component)
 Set component or null if not set.
bool equals (Object other)
 Collider is equal to another object.
int hashCode ()
 Hash code for use as dictionary keys.
static bool equals (Collider collider1, Collider collider2)
 Two colliders are equal.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Dragengine.Scenery.ColliderRig
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Dragengine.Scenery.Collider

Detailed Description

Component collider.

Extended version of ColliderRig. Rig is taken from a component. The component is updated by the physics module during simulation. States can be copied from and to the component. This class is the most simple solution for dealing with physics simulation and collision detection. Just set the component of your scenery element and it works.


The position and orientation of collider bones is located at the center mass point not the rig bone origin in world space. If you use collider bone position or matrix you have to subtract the Rig.boneGetCentralMassPoint(int) for the respective bone to obtain the world position of the rig bone as used by animations.

This is a native class.

Member Function Documentation

◆ copyStateFromComponent()

void Dragengine.Scenery.ColliderComponent.copyStateFromComponent ( int  bone)

Copy state from set component bone to collider.

If no component is set this method does nothing. Call this method if you want to enable physics simulation from the current component state when CollisionResponse.kinematic response mode is used. In this mode bones are not synchronized as this would be a waste of performance. If you switch to CollisionResponse.dynamic the bone states would be initialized to zero. This call initializes the bones states from the current component bone states. The linear and angular velocities are taken from the collider linear and angular velocities.

EOutOfBoundarybone is less than 0 or larger than or equal to rig bone count.

◆ copyStatesFromComponent()

void Dragengine.Scenery.ColliderComponent.copyStatesFromComponent ( )

Copy states from set component to collider.

If no component is set this method does nothing. Call this method if you want to enable physics simulation from the current component state when CollisionResponse.kinematic response mode is used. In this mode bones are not synchronized as this would be a waste of performance. If you switch to CollisionResponse.dynamic the bone states would be initialized to zero. This call initializes the bones states from the current component bone states. The linear and angular velocities are taken from the collider linear and angular velocities.

◆ copyStatesToComponent()

void Dragengine.Scenery.ColliderComponent.copyStatesToComponent ( )

Copy states from collider to set component.

If no component is set this method does nothing. Call this method if you want to disable physics simulation transfering the current collider state for example to create an animation snapshot to transition. This call initializes the bones states from the current collider states.

◆ copyStateToComponent()

void Dragengine.Scenery.ColliderComponent.copyStateToComponent ( int  bone)

Copy states from collider bone to set component bone.

If no component is set this method does nothing. Call this method if you want to disable physics simulation transfering the current collider state for example to create an animation snapshot to transition. This call initializes the bones states from the current collider states.

◆ equals() [1/2]

static bool Dragengine.Scenery.ColliderComponent.equals ( Collider  collider1,
Collider  collider2 

Two colliders are equal.

This is an extended version of equals() accepting also null for collider1 and collider2. equals() would thrown an exception if null is compared to anything. This call though allows to compare null against colliders or even null itself. If collider1 or collider2 is null false is returned. If both are null true is returned.

Reimplemented from Dragengine.Scenery.ColliderRig.

◆ equals() [2/2]

bool Dragengine.Scenery.ColliderComponent.equals ( Object  other)

Collider is equal to another object.

Implements Object.equals(Object).

true if other is of type Collider and both point to the same engine collider.

Reimplemented from Dragengine.Scenery.ColliderRig.

◆ getComponent()

Component Dragengine.Scenery.ColliderComponent.getComponent ( )

Component or null if not set.

◆ hashCode()

int Dragengine.Scenery.ColliderComponent.hashCode ( )

Hash code for use as dictionary keys.

Implements Object.hashCode().

Reimplemented from Dragengine.Scenery.ColliderRig.

◆ new()

ColliderComponent Dragengine.Scenery.ColliderComponent.new ( )

Create component collider.

Reimplemented from Dragengine.Scenery.ColliderRig.

◆ setComponent()

void Dragengine.Scenery.ColliderComponent.setComponent ( Component  component)

Set component or null if not set.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: