Drag[en]gine Script Module DragonScript 1.24
Window running a GameWorld. More...
Classes | |
class | Loader |
Game loader for use with WindowGameWorld. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
Vector | backProject (MouseEvent event) |
Back project position into 3d world. | |
Vector | backProject (Point position) |
Back project position into 3d world. | |
void | dispose () |
Dispose of Widget. | |
bool | getActivateMicrophone () |
Activate microphone if game world is set. | |
Camera | getCamera () |
Game camera. | |
CameraDirector | getCameraDirector () |
Camera directory or null. | |
Console | getConsole () |
Console object. | |
GameWorld | getGameWorld () |
Game world. | |
Microphone | getMicrophone () |
Microphone to hear sound. | |
Panel | getPanelBorder () |
Panel with BorderLayout containing world render content. | |
Panel | getPanelStack () |
Panel with StackLayout containing world render. | |
bool | getUpdateCameraDirector () |
Update camera director on frame updates. | |
bool | getUpdateGameWorld () |
Update game world on frame updates. | |
WorldRenderer | getWorldRenderer () |
World renderer. | |
WindowGameWorld | new () |
Create screen sized window using BaseGameApp console. | |
WindowGameWorld | new (Console console) |
Create screen sized window. | |
void | onDesignerSelectorChanged () |
Designer selector changed. | |
void | onFrameUpdate (float elapsed) |
Update game world every frame update if present. | |
void | onGameWorldChanged () |
Game world changed. | |
Point | project (DVector position) |
Project point from 3d world. | |
void | setActivateMicrophone (bool activateMicrophone) |
Set if microphone is activated if game world is set. | |
void | setCameraDirector (CameraDirector director) |
Set camera directory or null. | |
void | setGameWorld (GameWorld gameWorld) |
Set game world or null to remove. | |
void | setGameWorld (GameWorld gameWorld, bool dispose) |
Set game world or null to remove. | |
void | setUpdateCameraDirector (bool update) |
Set update camera director on frame updates. | |
void | setUpdateGameWorld (bool update) |
Set update game world on frame updates. | |
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void | activeWidgetGrabFocus () |
void | addWindowListener (WindowListener listener) |
Add window listener. | |
void | becomeBackgroundWindow () |
Set window to act as a non-interactive background window. | |
void | centerWindow () |
Move window to the center of the parent desktop. | |
void | close () |
Close window. | |
void | fitToContent () |
Fit window size to content size. | |
bool | getActivated () |
Window is activated. | |
Widget | getActiveWidget () |
Active widget or null if there is none. | |
bool | getAlwaysOnTop () |
Window is always on top of all others. | |
WindowModal | getBlockingWindow () |
Modal window blocking this window or null. | |
bool | getCanActivate () |
Window can be activated. | |
bool | getCanClose () |
Window can be closed. | |
bool | getCanMaximize () |
Window can be maximized. | |
bool | getCanMinimize () |
Window can be minimized. | |
bool | getCanMove () |
Window can be moved. | |
bool | getCanReorder () |
Window can be reordered. | |
bool | getCanResize () |
Window can be resized. | |
Decoration | getDecoration () |
Decoration of window. | |
BorderSize | getDecorationSize () |
Get decoration size. | |
Color | getModalDarkenColor () |
Darkening color while modal window is in use. | |
bool | getProtectDecoration () |
Protect custom set decoration. | |
bool | getProtectModalDarkenColor () |
Protect custom set modal window darkening color. | |
Window | getTopBlockingWindow () |
Get top most blocking window or null. | |
Window | getWindow () |
Window or null if this widget is not part of a window. | |
Point | getWindowPosition () |
Widget position in window coordinates. | |
WindowState | getWindowState () |
Window state. | |
void | grabFocus () |
Grab the focus if possible. | |
void | moveAbove (Window window) |
Move window right above the given window. | |
void | moveBelow (Window window) |
Move window right below the given window. | |
void | moveToBottom () |
Move window to the bottom. | |
void | moveToTop () |
Move window to the top. | |
Window | new (int x, int y, int width, int height) |
Create window with the given geometry. | |
Window | new (Point position, Point size) |
Create window with the given geometry. | |
Widget | nextFocusWidgetAfter (Widget widget) |
Find next widget in the focus cycle that can grab the focus. | |
void | onDesignerChanged () |
Designer changed. | |
void | onDesktopResized () |
Desktop size changed. | |
void | onGuiThemeChanged () |
Gui theme changed. | |
void | onMaximized (WindowEvent event) |
Window has been maximized. | |
void | onMinimized (WindowEvent event) |
Window has been minimized. | |
void | onTranslationChanged () |
Translation manager or active language pack changed. | |
Widget | prevFocusWidgetAfter (Widget widget) |
Find previous widget in the focus cycle that can grab the focus. | |
void | removeWindowListener (WindowListener listener) |
Remove window listener. | |
void | requestClose () |
Request closing window. | |
void | requestGrabFocus (Widget widget) |
Request to focus the specified widget. | |
void | sendEventToListeners (Event event, bool sendToParent) |
Send event to all appropriate listeners for events of its kind. | |
void | setActivated (bool activated) |
Set if window is activated. | |
void | setActiveWidget (Widget widget) |
Set active widget. | |
void | setAlwaysOnTop (bool alwaysOnTop) |
Set if window is always on top of all others. | |
void | setBlockingWindow (WindowModal window) |
Set modal window blocking this window or null. | |
void | setCanActivate (bool canActivate) |
Set if window can be activated. | |
void | setCanClose (bool canClose) |
Set if window can be closed. | |
void | setCanMaximize (bool canMaximize) |
Set if window can be maximized. | |
void | setCanMinimize (bool canMinimize) |
Set if window can be minimized. | |
void | setCanMove (bool canMove) |
Set if window can be moved. | |
void | setCanReorder (bool canReorder) |
Set if window can be reordered. | |
void | setCanResize (bool canResize) |
Set window can be resized. | |
void | setDecoration (Decoration decoration) |
Set decoration of window. | |
void | setModalDarkenColor (Color color) |
Set darkening color while modal window is in use. | |
void | setProtectDecoration (bool protect) |
Set protect custom set decoration. | |
void | setProtectModalDarkenColor (bool protect) |
Set protect custom set modal window darkening color. | |
void | setTitle (String title) |
Set window title. | |
void | setWindowState (WindowState state) |
Set window state. | |
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void | addWidget (Widget widget) |
void | addWidget (Widget widget, Object settings) |
bool | allowsChildGrabFocus () |
void | doLayout () |
Widget | findFocusableWidget () |
Widget | findLastFocusableWidget () |
Widget | findWidget (Block ablock) |
Find widget using block or null if not found. | |
int | getContainerHeight () |
Point | getContainerSize () |
int | getContainerWidth () |
bool | getHasBlockedDoLayout () |
doLayout calls happened during runWhileBlockingLayout. | |
Layout | getLayout () |
Point | getMinimumSize () |
Point | getMinimumSizeForHeight (int height) |
Minimum size of widget using reference widget height and variable width. | |
Point | getMinimumSizeForWidth (int width) |
Minimum size of widget using reference widget width and variable height. | |
bool | getStateChangeNotifyChildren () |
Notify children if state changed. | |
Widget | getWidget (int index) |
Widget | getWidgetAt (Point position) |
Widget at coordinates or null if not found. | |
int | getWidgetCount () |
void | giveUpFocus () |
bool | hasFocusWidget () |
Focus widget is inside container somewhere. | |
bool | hasWidget (Widget widget) |
int | indexOfWidget (Widget widget) |
Object | injectWidget (Object injectValue, Block ablock) |
Process value visiting widgets using block. | |
bool | isChildVisible (Widget child) |
bool | isMouseInside () |
Mouse is hovering over this widget. | |
void | layoutParent () |
void | moveWidget (Widget widget, int newPosition) |
Container | new (Layout layout) |
Create container with layout. | |
Container | new (Layout layout, Block blockAddContent) |
Create container with layout calling block to add content. | |
void | onPaddingChanged () |
Padding changed. | |
void | onStateChanged (StateChangeEvent event) |
State changed. | |
void | removeAllWidgets () |
Remove and dispose all widgets. | |
void | removeWidget (Widget widget) |
Remove widget without disposing. | |
bool | requestCaptureMouse (Widget widget) |
bool | requestReleaseMouse (Widget widget) |
void | runWhileBlockingLayout (Block ablock) |
Run block while layouting is blocked. | |
void | setEnabled (bool enabled) |
void | setHasBlockedDoLayout (bool hasBlockedDoLayout) |
Set if doLayout calls happened during runWhileBlockingLayout. | |
void | setLayout (Layout layout) |
void | setMousePointer (MousePointerFactory mousePointer) |
Set mouse pointer to use. | |
void | setStateChangeNotifyChildren (bool notify) |
Set to notify children if state changed. | |
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void | addDragListener (DragListener listener) |
void | addFocusListener (FocusListener listener) |
Add focus listener. | |
void | addGamepadListener (GamepadListener listener) |
Add gamepad listener. | |
void | addKeyListener (KeyListener listener) |
void | addMouseListener (MouseListener listener) |
void | addStateChangeListener (StateChangeListener listener) |
Add state change listener. | |
void | addWidgetListener (WidgetListener listener) |
Add widget listener. | |
bool | canGrabFullFocus () |
void | captureMouse () |
void | design () |
Design widget using WidgetDesigner. | |
CanvasCreator | getBackgroundCanvasCreator () |
Background canvas creator or null to use background color. | |
bool | getBlockLayoutParent () |
Block layoutParent calls. | |
Border | getBorder () |
BorderSize | getBorderSize () |
RectArea | getBoundary () |
Rectangulare boundary of the widget. | |
RectArea | getBoundaryWithBorder () |
Rectangulare boundary of the widget including border. | |
bool | getCanFocus () |
CanvasView | getCanvasBackground () |
CanvasView | getCanvasContent () |
CanvasView | getCanvasWidget () |
Clipboard | getClipboard () |
Clipboard or null to use parent clipboard. | |
ColorMatrix | getColorTransformation () |
Color transformation. | |
WidgetDesigner | getDesigner () |
Designer. | |
String | getDesignerSelector () |
Designer selector. | |
Desktop | getDesktop () |
Point | getDesktopPosition () |
Widget position in desktop coordinates. | |
bool | getEnabled () |
MousePointerFactory | getFirstMousePointer () |
First assigned mouse pointer. | |
Font | getFont () |
bool | getHasBlockedLayoutParent () |
layoutParent calls happened during runWhileBlockingLayoutParent. | |
bool | getHasFocus () |
int | getHeight () |
Height of widget. | |
RangeModel | getHorizontalRangeModel () |
Horizontal range model for viewports to synchronize the horizontal scrollbar. | |
Widget | getHoverWidget () |
Widget the mouse hovers above or null. | |
Point | getLocalMouseLocation () |
Parent desktop mouse location in widget coordinates. | |
Point | getMinimumSizeWithBorder () |
Point | getMinimumSizeWithBorderForHeight (int height) |
Minimum size of widget with border using reference height. | |
Point | getMinimumSizeWithBorderForWidth (int width) |
Minimum size of widget with border for reference width. | |
MousePointerFactory | getMousePointer () |
Mouse pointer to use. | |
BorderSize | getPadding () |
Padding. | |
Container | getParent () |
Point | getPosition () |
Position of the widget. | |
bool | getProtectBackgroundCanvasCreator () |
Protect custom set background canvas creator. | |
bool | getProtectBorder () |
Protect custom set border. | |
bool | getProtectFont () |
Protect custom set font. | |
bool | getProtectMinimumSize () |
Protect custom set minimumsize. | |
bool | getProtectMousePointer () |
Protect custom set mouse pointer. | |
bool | getProtectPadding () |
Protect custom set padding. | |
bool | getProtectTextColor () |
Protect custom set text color. | |
Point | getRelativePosition (Container parent) |
Widget position in parent widget coordinates. | |
Point | getScreenPosition () |
Widget position in screen coordinates. | |
RectArea | getScreenRectArea () |
Point | getSetMinimumSize () |
Point | getSize () |
Size of the widget. | |
Color | getTextColor () |
Text color. | |
String | getTitle () |
Widget title. | |
Object | getToolTip () |
Tooltip or null. | |
float | getTotalTransparency () |
TexMatrix2 | getTransformation () |
float | getTransparency () |
RangeModel | getVerticalRangeModel () |
Vertical range model for viewports to synchronize the vertical scrollbar. | |
bool | getVisible () |
int | getWidth () |
Width of widget. | |
int | getX () |
X position of widget. | |
int | getY () |
Y position of widget. | |
bool | hasParent (Container container) |
bool | isDesignerSet () |
Custom designer is set. | |
bool | isFullEnabled () |
Widget and all parent widgets are enabled. | |
bool | isMinimumSizeSet () |
bool | isPointInside (Point position) |
bool | isTransformationSet () |
void | layoutParentIfBlocked () |
Calls layoutParent if getHasBlockedLayoutParent() is true. | |
Widget | nextFocusWidget () |
Find next widget in the focus cycle that can grab the focus. | |
void | notifyBorderParametersChanged () |
void | onDispose (WidgetEvent event) |
Window is disposing. | |
void | onFocusLost (FocusEvent event) |
Widget lost focus. | |
void | onFocusReceived (FocusEvent event) |
Widget received focus. | |
void | onGamepadButtonPressed (GamepadEvent event) |
Gamepad button has been pressed. | |
void | onGamepadButtonReleased (GamepadEvent event) |
Gamepad button has been released. | |
void | onHidden (WidgetEvent event) |
Widget has been hidden. | |
void | onParentStateChanged () |
Parent state changed. | |
void | onParentStateChanged (bool force) |
Parent state changed. | |
void | onReposition (WidgetEvent event) |
Position changed. | |
void | onResize (WidgetEvent event) |
Size changed. | |
void | onSetFont () |
void | onSetTextColor () |
Text color changed. | |
void | onShown (WidgetEvent event) |
Widget has been shown. | |
void | popdownVirtualKeyboard () |
Popdown virtual keyboard if Desktop has one assigned. | |
void | popupVirtualKeyboard () |
Popup virtual keyboard if Desktop has one assigned. | |
Widget | prevFocusWidget () |
Find previous widget in the focus cycle that can grab the focus. | |
void | processEvent (Event event) |
void | releaseMouse () |
void | removeDragListener (DragListener listener) |
void | removeFocusListener (FocusListener listener) |
Remove focus listener. | |
void | removeGamepadListener (GamepadListener listener) |
Remove gamepad listener. | |
void | removeKeyListener (KeyListener listener) |
void | removeMouseListener (MouseListener listener) |
void | removeStateChangeListener (StateChangeListener listener) |
Remove state change listener. | |
void | removeWidgetListener (WidgetListener listener) |
Remove widget listener. | |
void | runWhileBlockingLayoutParent (Block ablock) |
Run block while layouting is blocked. | |
void | safeDispose () |
Safely dispose of widget. | |
void | sendEvent (Event event) |
void | setBackgroundCanvasCreator (CanvasCreator creator) |
Set background canvas creator or null to use background color. | |
void | setBlockLayoutParent (bool blockLayoutParent) |
Set block layoutParent calls. | |
void | setBorder (Border border) |
void | setCanFocus (bool canFocus) |
void | setClipboard (Clipboard clipboard) |
Set clipboard or null to use parent clipboard. | |
void | setColorTransformation (ColorMatrix transformation) |
Set color transformation. | |
void | setDesigner (WidgetDesigner designer) |
Set designer. | |
void | setDesignerSelector (String selector) |
Set designer selector. | |
void | setFont (Font font) |
void | setHasBlockedLayoutParent (bool hasBlockedLayoutParent) |
Set if layoutParent calls happened during runWhileBlockingLayoutParent. | |
void | setHasFocus (bool hasFocus) |
void | setHeight (int height) |
Set height of widget. | |
void | setMinimumSize (Point size) |
void | setPadding (BorderSize padding) |
Set padding. | |
void | setParent (Container parent) |
void | setPosition (Point position) |
Set position of widget. | |
void | setProtectBackgroundCanvasCreator (bool protect) |
Set protect custom set background canvas creator. | |
void | setProtectBorder (bool protect) |
Set protect custom set border. | |
void | setProtectFont (bool protect) |
Set protect custom set font. | |
void | setProtectMinimumSize (bool protect) |
Set protect custom set minimumsize. | |
void | setProtectMousePointer (bool protect) |
Set protect custom set mouse pointer. | |
void | setProtectPadding (bool protect) |
Set protect custom set padding. | |
void | setProtectTextColor (bool protect) |
Set protect custom set text color. | |
void | setSize (Point size) |
Set size of widget. | |
void | setTextColor (Color color) |
Set text color. | |
void | setToolTip (Object toolTip) |
Set tooltip or null. | |
void | setTransformation (TexMatrix2 transformation) |
void | setTransparency (float transparency) |
void | setVisible (bool visible) |
void | setWidth (int width) |
Set width of widget. | |
void | setX (int x) |
Set X position of widget. | |
void | setY (int y) |
Set Y Position of widget. | |
void | startFrameUpdater () |
Start frame updater if not running. | |
void | stopFrameUpdater () |
Stop frame updater if running. | |
Protected Member Functions | |
void | createContent () |
Create window content. | |
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void | setDecorationFromDesigner () |
Set decoration from designer if not protected. | |
void | updateCanvasGeometry () |
Update canvas position and size. | |
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WidgetDesigner | getDesignerFromTheme () |
Get designer from gui theme. | |
void | updateCanvasBackground () |
Update background canvas content. | |
Window running a GameWorld.
Simple way to run a game world. All you need to do is subclassing WindowGameWorld.Loader load and assign a game world to the widget. If a game world is present it is updated every frame update. Optionally the updating of the game world and camera director can be individually disabled. This can be used for example to pause the game world processing or to show a main menu without consuming processing time.
The panel contains a WorldRenderer widget showing the content of a GameWorld object if present. The game world is loaded using a subclass of GameWorldLoader. For convenience the class WindowGameWorld.Loader provides support of updating the WindowGameWorld once finished. The most simple solution is to subclass WindowGameWorld.Loader instead of GameWorldLoader.
A CameraDirector can be set to operate the camera and microphone resource. This is the preferred way since it allows to easily change the directory taking control of these resources without having to worry about all Typically you use ElementCameraDirector to handle camera and microphone relative to a player actor and ConversationCameraDirector to play back conversations.
Window can be styled using designer named "WindowGameWorld". The default style makes the window borderless with no mouse pointer suitable for full screen use.
The layout is enhanced like this to allow for more possibilities:
The window stack layout allows to stack widgets over the world render panels which should cover the entire window. Typically these are UI widgets not directly interacting with the world renderer panel content.
The getPanelBorder() allows to add UI widgets at the borders of the window to create the UI layouts typically used for games where the world renderer is part of a UI interface the player interacts with (hence not first person shooter type games). Using this panel makes the world renderer and widgets stacked over it to occupy the empty space.
The getPanelStack() allows to add stack widgets over the world renderer itself. These widgets have the same size as the world renderer in contrary to being added to the window itself. This is useful for adding widgets that should only cover the world renderer like targeting reticules or damage indicators.
Vector Dragengine.Gui.WindowGameWorld.backProject | ( | MouseEvent | event | ) |
Back project position into 3d world.
Event can originate from any widget inside the window. The event position is converted to world renderer coordinate system before calling backProject on world renderer.
Vector Dragengine.Gui.WindowGameWorld.backProject | ( | Point | position | ) |
Back project position into 3d world.
protected |
Create window content.
Called during constructor. Sets StackLayout as window layout and adds getWorldRenderer() as only widget.
void Dragengine.Gui.WindowGameWorld.dispose | ( | ) |
Dispose of Widget.
Reimplemented from Dragengine.Gui.Window.
bool Dragengine.Gui.WindowGameWorld.getActivateMicrophone | ( | ) |
Activate microphone if game world is set.
Camera Dragengine.Gui.WindowGameWorld.getCamera | ( | ) |
Game camera.
CameraDirector Dragengine.Gui.WindowGameWorld.getCameraDirector | ( | ) |
Camera directory or null.
Console Dragengine.Gui.WindowGameWorld.getConsole | ( | ) |
Console object.
GameWorld Dragengine.Gui.WindowGameWorld.getGameWorld | ( | ) |
Game world.
Microphone Dragengine.Gui.WindowGameWorld.getMicrophone | ( | ) |
Microphone to hear sound.
Panel Dragengine.Gui.WindowGameWorld.getPanelBorder | ( | ) |
Panel with BorderLayout containing world render content.
Allows to add UI widgets at the borders of the window to create the UI layouts typically used for games where the world renderer is part of a UI interface the player interacts with (hence not first person shooter type games). Using this panel makes the world renderer and widgets stacked over it to occupy the empty space.
Panel Dragengine.Gui.WindowGameWorld.getPanelStack | ( | ) |
Panel with StackLayout containing world render.
Allows to add stack widgets over the world renderer itself. These widgets have the same size as the world renderer in contrary to being added to the window itself. This is useful for adding widgets that should only cover the world renderer like targeting reticules or damage indicators.
bool Dragengine.Gui.WindowGameWorld.getUpdateCameraDirector | ( | ) |
Update camera director on frame updates.
bool Dragengine.Gui.WindowGameWorld.getUpdateGameWorld | ( | ) |
Update game world on frame updates.
WorldRenderer Dragengine.Gui.WindowGameWorld.getWorldRenderer | ( | ) |
World renderer.
WindowGameWorld Dragengine.Gui.WindowGameWorld.new | ( | ) |
Create screen sized window using BaseGameApp console.
Reimplemented from Dragengine.Gui.Window.
WindowGameWorld Dragengine.Gui.WindowGameWorld.new | ( | Console | console | ) |
Create screen sized window.
void Dragengine.Gui.WindowGameWorld.onDesignerSelectorChanged | ( | ) |
Designer selector changed.
Updates world renderer widget designer selector to "WorldRenderer.{selector}".
Reimplemented from Dragengine.Gui.Window.
void Dragengine.Gui.WindowGameWorld.onFrameUpdate | ( | float | elapsed | ) |
Update game world every frame update if present.
elapsed | Elapsed time as reported by Engine.getElapsedTime(). |
Reimplemented from Dragengine.Gui.Widget.
void Dragengine.Gui.WindowGameWorld.onGameWorldChanged | ( | ) |
Game world changed.
Point Dragengine.Gui.WindowGameWorld.project | ( | DVector | position | ) |
Project point from 3d world.
void Dragengine.Gui.WindowGameWorld.setActivateMicrophone | ( | bool | activateMicrophone | ) |
Set if microphone is activated if game world is set.
void Dragengine.Gui.WindowGameWorld.setCameraDirector | ( | CameraDirector | director | ) |
Set camera directory or null.
Deactivates the old camera director if present and unsets camera and microphone. Activates the new camera if present and sets camera and microphone.
Updates the camera director once if updating camera director is enabled
void Dragengine.Gui.WindowGameWorld.setGameWorld | ( | GameWorld | gameWorld | ) |
Set game world or null to remove.
The old game world is disposed of if present. If disposing causes exceptions the error is logged and the game world discarded.
This is the same as calling setGameWorld(gameWorld, true).
Calls onGameWorldChanged() hoock method if the game world changed.
void Dragengine.Gui.WindowGameWorld.setGameWorld | ( | GameWorld | gameWorld, |
bool | dispose | ||
) |
Set game world or null to remove.
If dispose is true the old game world is disposed of if present. If disposing causes exceptions the error is logged and the game world discarded.
If dispose is false the caller is responsible to dispose of the game world at the appropriate time. This can be used for games using multiple game worlds they switch between disposing them at game exit time.
Calls onGameWorldChanged() hoock method if the game world changed.
void Dragengine.Gui.WindowGameWorld.setUpdateCameraDirector | ( | bool | update | ) |
Set update camera director on frame updates.
void Dragengine.Gui.WindowGameWorld.setUpdateGameWorld | ( | bool | update | ) |
Set update game world on frame updates.