Drag[en]gine Script Module DragonScript 1.24
Toggle button Widget. More...
Public Member Functions | |
void | dispose () |
Dispose of widget cleaning references. | |
ToggleButtonGroup | getButtonGroup () |
Button group or null. | |
bool | getStickyToggled () |
Button stays toggled. | |
bool | getToggled () |
Button is toggled. | |
ToggleModel | getToggleModel () |
Toggle model. | |
ToggleButton | new () |
Create toggle button. | |
ToggleButton | new (String text) |
Create text toggle button. | |
ToggleButton | new (String text, ActionListener action) |
Create text toggle button. | |
ToggleButton | new (String text, Image image) |
Create text and image toggle button. | |
ToggleButton | new (String text, Image image, ActionListener action) |
Create text and image toggle button. | |
ToggleButton | new (ToggleModel model) |
Create toggle button. | |
ToggleButton | new (ToggleModel model, String text) |
Create text toggle button. | |
ToggleButton | new (ToggleModel model, String text, ActionListener action) |
Create text toggle button. | |
ToggleButton | new (ToggleModel model, String text, Image image) |
Create text and image toggle button. | |
ToggleButton | new (ToggleModel model, String text, Image image, ActionListener action) |
Create text and image toggle button. | |
void | onButtonPress (MouseEvent event) |
void | onButtonRelease (MouseEvent event) |
Mouse button has been released. | |
void | onKeyPress (KeyEvent event) |
Key on the keyboard has been pressed. | |
void | onKeyRelease (KeyEvent event) |
Key on the keyboard has been released. | |
void | onMouseMove (MouseEvent event) |
Mouse has moved. | |
void | setButtonGroup (ToggleButtonGroup buttonGroup) |
Set button group or null. | |
void | setStickyToggled (bool stickyToggled) |
Set if button stays toggled. | |
void | setToggled (bool toggled) |
Set if button is toggled. | |
void | setToggleModel (ToggleModel model) |
Set list model. | |
void | toggledChanged (ToggleModel model) |
Toggled state changed. | |
![]() | |
void | createContentWidgets () |
Create button content widgets. | |
void | fireAction (int modifiers) |
Image | getHoverImage () |
Hover image or null to use regular image. | |
Image | getImage () |
bool | getPressed () |
String | getText () |
Text of the button. | |
void | onFocusLost (FocusEvent event) |
Widget lost focus. | |
void | onFocusReceived (FocusEvent event) |
Widget received focus. | |
void | onGuiThemeChanged () |
Gui theme changed. | |
void | onMouseEnter (MouseEvent event) |
void | removeActionListener (ActionListener listener) |
void | setHoverImage (Image image) |
Set hover image or null to use regular image. | |
void | setImage (Image image) |
void | setPressed (bool pressed) |
void | setText (String text) |
Set text of the button. | |
void | updateWidgetImage () |
Update image to display depending on current button state. | |
![]() | |
void | addWidget (Widget widget) |
void | addWidget (Widget widget, Object settings) |
bool | allowsChildGrabFocus () |
void | doLayout () |
Widget | findFocusableWidget () |
Widget | findLastFocusableWidget () |
Widget | findWidget (Block ablock) |
Find widget using block or null if not found. | |
int | getContainerHeight () |
Point | getContainerSize () |
int | getContainerWidth () |
bool | getHasBlockedDoLayout () |
doLayout calls happened during runWhileBlockingLayout. | |
Layout | getLayout () |
Point | getMinimumSize () |
Point | getMinimumSizeForHeight (int height) |
Minimum size of widget using reference widget height and variable width. | |
Point | getMinimumSizeForWidth (int width) |
Minimum size of widget using reference widget width and variable height. | |
bool | getStateChangeNotifyChildren () |
Notify children if state changed. | |
Widget | getWidget (int index) |
Widget | getWidgetAt (Point position) |
Widget at coordinates or null if not found. | |
int | getWidgetCount () |
void | giveUpFocus () |
bool | hasFocusWidget () |
Focus widget is inside container somewhere. | |
bool | hasWidget (Widget widget) |
int | indexOfWidget (Widget widget) |
Object | injectWidget (Object injectValue, Block ablock) |
Process value visiting widgets using block. | |
bool | isChildVisible (Widget child) |
bool | isMouseInside () |
Mouse is hovering over this widget. | |
void | layoutParent () |
void | moveWidget (Widget widget, int newPosition) |
Container | new (int x, int y, int width, int height) |
Container | new (Layout layout) |
Create container with layout. | |
Container | new (Layout layout, Block blockAddContent) |
Create container with layout calling block to add content. | |
Container | new (Point position, Point size) |
Widget | nextFocusWidgetAfter (Widget widget) |
Find next widget in the focus cycle that can grab the focus. | |
void | onPaddingChanged () |
Padding changed. | |
void | onStateChanged (StateChangeEvent event) |
State changed. | |
Widget | prevFocusWidgetAfter (Widget widget) |
Find previous widget in the focus cycle that can grab the focus. | |
void | removeAllWidgets () |
Remove and dispose all widgets. | |
void | removeWidget (Widget widget) |
Remove widget without disposing. | |
bool | requestCaptureMouse (Widget widget) |
bool | requestReleaseMouse (Widget widget) |
void | runWhileBlockingLayout (Block ablock) |
Run block while layouting is blocked. | |
void | setEnabled (bool enabled) |
void | setHasBlockedDoLayout (bool hasBlockedDoLayout) |
Set if doLayout calls happened during runWhileBlockingLayout. | |
void | setLayout (Layout layout) |
void | setMousePointer (MousePointerFactory mousePointer) |
Set mouse pointer to use. | |
void | setStateChangeNotifyChildren (bool notify) |
Set to notify children if state changed. | |
![]() | |
void | addDragListener (DragListener listener) |
void | addFocusListener (FocusListener listener) |
Add focus listener. | |
void | addGamepadListener (GamepadListener listener) |
Add gamepad listener. | |
void | addKeyListener (KeyListener listener) |
void | addMouseListener (MouseListener listener) |
void | addStateChangeListener (StateChangeListener listener) |
Add state change listener. | |
void | addWidgetListener (WidgetListener listener) |
Add widget listener. | |
bool | canGrabFullFocus () |
void | captureMouse () |
void | design () |
Design widget using WidgetDesigner. | |
CanvasCreator | getBackgroundCanvasCreator () |
Background canvas creator or null to use background color. | |
bool | getBlockLayoutParent () |
Block layoutParent calls. | |
Border | getBorder () |
BorderSize | getBorderSize () |
RectArea | getBoundary () |
Rectangulare boundary of the widget. | |
RectArea | getBoundaryWithBorder () |
Rectangulare boundary of the widget including border. | |
bool | getCanFocus () |
CanvasView | getCanvasBackground () |
CanvasView | getCanvasContent () |
CanvasView | getCanvasWidget () |
Clipboard | getClipboard () |
Clipboard or null to use parent clipboard. | |
ColorMatrix | getColorTransformation () |
Color transformation. | |
WidgetDesigner | getDesigner () |
Designer. | |
String | getDesignerSelector () |
Designer selector. | |
Desktop | getDesktop () |
Point | getDesktopPosition () |
Widget position in desktop coordinates. | |
bool | getEnabled () |
MousePointerFactory | getFirstMousePointer () |
First assigned mouse pointer. | |
Font | getFont () |
bool | getHasBlockedLayoutParent () |
layoutParent calls happened during runWhileBlockingLayoutParent. | |
bool | getHasFocus () |
int | getHeight () |
Height of widget. | |
RangeModel | getHorizontalRangeModel () |
Horizontal range model for viewports to synchronize the horizontal scrollbar. | |
Widget | getHoverWidget () |
Widget the mouse hovers above or null. | |
Point | getLocalMouseLocation () |
Parent desktop mouse location in widget coordinates. | |
Point | getMinimumSizeWithBorder () |
Point | getMinimumSizeWithBorderForHeight (int height) |
Minimum size of widget with border using reference height. | |
Point | getMinimumSizeWithBorderForWidth (int width) |
Minimum size of widget with border for reference width. | |
MousePointerFactory | getMousePointer () |
Mouse pointer to use. | |
BorderSize | getPadding () |
Padding. | |
Container | getParent () |
Point | getPosition () |
Position of the widget. | |
bool | getProtectBackgroundCanvasCreator () |
Protect custom set background canvas creator. | |
bool | getProtectBorder () |
Protect custom set border. | |
bool | getProtectFont () |
Protect custom set font. | |
bool | getProtectMinimumSize () |
Protect custom set minimumsize. | |
bool | getProtectMousePointer () |
Protect custom set mouse pointer. | |
bool | getProtectPadding () |
Protect custom set padding. | |
bool | getProtectTextColor () |
Protect custom set text color. | |
Point | getRelativePosition (Container parent) |
Widget position in parent widget coordinates. | |
Point | getScreenPosition () |
Widget position in screen coordinates. | |
RectArea | getScreenRectArea () |
Point | getSetMinimumSize () |
Point | getSize () |
Size of the widget. | |
Color | getTextColor () |
Text color. | |
String | getTitle () |
Widget title. | |
Object | getToolTip () |
Tooltip or null. | |
float | getTotalTransparency () |
TexMatrix2 | getTransformation () |
float | getTransparency () |
RangeModel | getVerticalRangeModel () |
Vertical range model for viewports to synchronize the vertical scrollbar. | |
bool | getVisible () |
int | getWidth () |
Width of widget. | |
Window | getWindow () |
Point | getWindowPosition () |
Widget position in window coordinates. | |
int | getX () |
X position of widget. | |
int | getY () |
Y position of widget. | |
void | grabFocus () |
bool | hasParent (Container container) |
bool | isDesignerSet () |
Custom designer is set. | |
bool | isFullEnabled () |
Widget and all parent widgets are enabled. | |
bool | isMinimumSizeSet () |
bool | isPointInside (Point position) |
bool | isTransformationSet () |
void | layoutParentIfBlocked () |
Calls layoutParent if getHasBlockedLayoutParent() is true. | |
Widget | nextFocusWidget () |
Find next widget in the focus cycle that can grab the focus. | |
void | notifyBorderParametersChanged () |
void | onDesignerChanged () |
Designer changed. | |
void | onDesignerSelectorChanged () |
Designer selector changed. | |
void | onDispose (WidgetEvent event) |
Window is disposing. | |
void | onFrameUpdate (float elapsed) |
Do frame update. | |
void | onGamepadButtonPressed (GamepadEvent event) |
Gamepad button has been pressed. | |
void | onGamepadButtonReleased (GamepadEvent event) |
Gamepad button has been released. | |
void | onHidden (WidgetEvent event) |
Widget has been hidden. | |
void | onParentStateChanged () |
Parent state changed. | |
void | onParentStateChanged (bool force) |
Parent state changed. | |
void | onReposition (WidgetEvent event) |
Position changed. | |
void | onResize (WidgetEvent event) |
Size changed. | |
void | onSetFont () |
void | onSetTextColor () |
Text color changed. | |
void | onShown (WidgetEvent event) |
Widget has been shown. | |
void | onTranslationChanged () |
Translation manager or active language pack changed. | |
void | popdownVirtualKeyboard () |
Popdown virtual keyboard if Desktop has one assigned. | |
void | popupVirtualKeyboard () |
Popup virtual keyboard if Desktop has one assigned. | |
Widget | prevFocusWidget () |
Find previous widget in the focus cycle that can grab the focus. | |
void | processEvent (Event event) |
void | releaseMouse () |
void | removeDragListener (DragListener listener) |
void | removeFocusListener (FocusListener listener) |
Remove focus listener. | |
void | removeGamepadListener (GamepadListener listener) |
Remove gamepad listener. | |
void | removeKeyListener (KeyListener listener) |
void | removeMouseListener (MouseListener listener) |
void | removeStateChangeListener (StateChangeListener listener) |
Remove state change listener. | |
void | removeWidgetListener (WidgetListener listener) |
Remove widget listener. | |
void | requestGrabFocus (Widget widget) |
void | runWhileBlockingLayoutParent (Block ablock) |
Run block while layouting is blocked. | |
void | safeDispose () |
Safely dispose of widget. | |
void | sendEvent (Event event) |
void | sendEventToListeners (Event event, bool sendToParent) |
Send event to all appropriate listeners for events of its kind. | |
void | setBackgroundCanvasCreator (CanvasCreator creator) |
Set background canvas creator or null to use background color. | |
void | setBlockLayoutParent (bool blockLayoutParent) |
Set block layoutParent calls. | |
void | setBorder (Border border) |
void | setCanFocus (bool canFocus) |
void | setClipboard (Clipboard clipboard) |
Set clipboard or null to use parent clipboard. | |
void | setColorTransformation (ColorMatrix transformation) |
Set color transformation. | |
void | setDesigner (WidgetDesigner designer) |
Set designer. | |
void | setDesignerSelector (String selector) |
Set designer selector. | |
void | setFont (Font font) |
void | setHasBlockedLayoutParent (bool hasBlockedLayoutParent) |
Set if layoutParent calls happened during runWhileBlockingLayoutParent. | |
void | setHasFocus (bool hasFocus) |
void | setHeight (int height) |
Set height of widget. | |
void | setMinimumSize (Point size) |
void | setPadding (BorderSize padding) |
Set padding. | |
void | setParent (Container parent) |
void | setPosition (Point position) |
Set position of widget. | |
void | setProtectBackgroundCanvasCreator (bool protect) |
Set protect custom set background canvas creator. | |
void | setProtectBorder (bool protect) |
Set protect custom set border. | |
void | setProtectFont (bool protect) |
Set protect custom set font. | |
void | setProtectMinimumSize (bool protect) |
Set protect custom set minimumsize. | |
void | setProtectMousePointer (bool protect) |
Set protect custom set mouse pointer. | |
void | setProtectPadding (bool protect) |
Set protect custom set padding. | |
void | setProtectTextColor (bool protect) |
Set protect custom set text color. | |
void | setSize (Point size) |
Set size of widget. | |
void | setTextColor (Color color) |
Set text color. | |
void | setTitle (String title) |
Set widget title. | |
void | setToolTip (Object toolTip) |
Set tooltip or null. | |
void | setTransformation (TexMatrix2 transformation) |
void | setTransparency (float transparency) |
void | setVisible (bool visible) |
void | setWidth (int width) |
Set width of widget. | |
void | setX (int x) |
Set X position of widget. | |
void | setY (int y) |
Set Y Position of widget. | |
void | startFrameUpdater () |
Start frame updater if not running. | |
void | stopFrameUpdater () |
Stop frame updater if running. | |
Toggle button Widget.
Similar to a Button but with slightly different behavior. The button switches between the pressed and unpressed state upon clicking. The button action is fired each time the button changes state. Everything else works similar to a Button. For this reason ButtonDesigner is used to design toggle buttons.
In addition to the pressed button state the toggle button stores the toggled state. To check if the toggle button is activated by the user check the toggled state. The pressed state changes dynamically while the user interacts with the toggle button. The toggle state though reflects the actual decision the user has made so far.
void Dragengine.Gui.ToggleButton.dispose | ( | ) |
Dispose of widget cleaning references.
Reimplemented from Dragengine.Gui.Button.
Reimplemented in Dragengine.Gui.CheckBox, and Dragengine.Gui.OptionBox.
ToggleButtonGroup Dragengine.Gui.ToggleButton.getButtonGroup | ( | ) |
Button group or null.
bool Dragengine.Gui.ToggleButton.getStickyToggled | ( | ) |
Button stays toggled.
bool Dragengine.Gui.ToggleButton.getToggled | ( | ) |
Button is toggled.
ToggleModel Dragengine.Gui.ToggleButton.getToggleModel | ( | ) |
Toggle model.
ToggleButton Dragengine.Gui.ToggleButton.new | ( | ) |
Create toggle button.
Reimplemented from Dragengine.Gui.Button.
Reimplemented in Dragengine.Gui.CheckBox, and Dragengine.Gui.OptionBox.
ToggleButton Dragengine.Gui.ToggleButton.new | ( | String | text | ) |
Create text toggle button.
Reimplemented in Dragengine.Gui.CheckBox, and Dragengine.Gui.OptionBox.
ToggleButton Dragengine.Gui.ToggleButton.new | ( | String | text, |
ActionListener | action | ||
) |
Create text toggle button.
Reimplemented from Dragengine.Gui.Button.
ToggleButton Dragengine.Gui.ToggleButton.new | ( | String | text, |
Image | image | ||
) |
Create text and image toggle button.
Reimplemented from Dragengine.Gui.Button.
Reimplemented in Dragengine.Gui.CheckBox, and Dragengine.Gui.OptionBox.
ToggleButton Dragengine.Gui.ToggleButton.new | ( | String | text, |
Image | image, | ||
ActionListener | action | ||
) |
Create text and image toggle button.
Reimplemented from Dragengine.Gui.Button.
ToggleButton Dragengine.Gui.ToggleButton.new | ( | ToggleModel | model | ) |
Create toggle button.
Reimplemented in Dragengine.Gui.CheckBox, and Dragengine.Gui.OptionBox.
ToggleButton Dragengine.Gui.ToggleButton.new | ( | ToggleModel | model, |
String | text | ||
) |
Create text toggle button.
Reimplemented in Dragengine.Gui.CheckBox, and Dragengine.Gui.OptionBox.
ToggleButton Dragengine.Gui.ToggleButton.new | ( | ToggleModel | model, |
String | text, | ||
ActionListener | action | ||
) |
Create text toggle button.
ToggleButton Dragengine.Gui.ToggleButton.new | ( | ToggleModel | model, |
String | text, | ||
Image | image | ||
) |
Create text and image toggle button.
Reimplemented in Dragengine.Gui.CheckBox, and Dragengine.Gui.OptionBox.
ToggleButton Dragengine.Gui.ToggleButton.new | ( | ToggleModel | model, |
String | text, | ||
Image | image, | ||
ActionListener | action | ||
) |
Create text and image toggle button.
void Dragengine.Gui.ToggleButton.onButtonPress | ( | MouseEvent | event | ) |
Mouse button has been pressed.
Reimplemented from Dragengine.Gui.Button.
void Dragengine.Gui.ToggleButton.onButtonRelease | ( | MouseEvent | event | ) |
Mouse button has been released.
Reimplemented from Dragengine.Gui.Button.
void Dragengine.Gui.ToggleButton.onKeyPress | ( | KeyEvent | event | ) |
Key on the keyboard has been pressed.
Reimplemented from Dragengine.Gui.Button.
void Dragengine.Gui.ToggleButton.onKeyRelease | ( | KeyEvent | event | ) |
Key on the keyboard has been released.
Reimplemented from Dragengine.Gui.Button.
void Dragengine.Gui.ToggleButton.onMouseMove | ( | MouseEvent | event | ) |
Mouse has moved.
Reimplemented from Dragengine.Gui.Button.
void Dragengine.Gui.ToggleButton.setButtonGroup | ( | ToggleButtonGroup | buttonGroup | ) |
Set button group or null.
void Dragengine.Gui.ToggleButton.setStickyToggled | ( | bool | stickyToggled | ) |
Set if button stays toggled.
void Dragengine.Gui.ToggleButton.setToggled | ( | bool | toggled | ) |
Set if button is toggled.
void Dragengine.Gui.ToggleButton.setToggleModel | ( | ToggleModel | model | ) |
Set list model.
void Dragengine.Gui.ToggleButton.toggledChanged | ( | ToggleModel | model | ) |
Toggled state changed.
Implements Dragengine.Gui.ToggleModelListener.