Drag[en]gine Script Module DragonScript 1.24
No Matches
Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox Class Reference

Drop down list displaying the currently selected element. More...

Inheritance diagram for Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox:
Dragengine.Gui.Container Dragengine.Gui.ListModelListener Dragengine.Gui.Widget


class  ComboPopup
 Popup window. More...
class  EditorFocusLost
class  EditorValueChanged
 Editor value changed listener. More...
class  PopupWidgetListener
class  RollUpMouseListener
 Roll up mouse listener. More...

Public Member Functions

void contentChanged (ListModel listModel, int fromIndex, int toIndex)
 Content of the model changed.
void dispose ()
 Dispose of widget.
void dropDown ()
 Drop down the list box if not already dropped down.
bool droppedDown ()
 Drop down list visible.
void elementsAdded (ListModel listModel, int fromIndex, int toIndex)
 Elements have been added.
void elementsRemoved (ListModel listModel, int fromIndex, int toIndex)
 Elements have been removed.
Widget getButtonDropDownWidget ()
 Drop down button widget or null if not set.
Point getDefaultElementSize ()
 Get default element size.
ComboBoxEditor getEditor ()
 Combo box editor if editable or null if not editable.
ListElementRenderer getElementRenderer ()
 List element renderer.
bool getExplicitDropDown ()
 Drop down only if clicking arrow or pressing directional keys.
ListModel getModel ()
 List model.
int getNumberDisplayLines ()
 Number of lines to display in the drop down list box.
int getSelectedElement ()
 Index of the selected item or -1 if none is selected.
bool getSelectFromEditorOnDropDown ()
 Set selected from editor value on drop down.
Widget getWidgetSelectedElement ()
 Selected element widget or null.
void grabFocus ()
 Grab focus if possible.
ComboBox new ()
 Create combo box widget.
ComboBox new (ListModel model)
 Create combo box widget.
ComboBox new (ListModel model, ComboBoxEditor editor)
 Create combo box widget.
ComboBox new (ListModel model, ListElementRenderer renderer)
 Create combo box widget.
ComboBox new (ListModel model, ListElementRenderer renderer, ComboBoxEditor editor)
 Create combo box widget.
void onArrowDown ()
 Arrow down pressed.
void onArrowUp ()
 Arrow up pressed.
void onButtonPress (MouseEvent event)
 Mouse button pressed.
void onDesignerSelectorChanged ()
 Designer selector changed.
void onFocusLost (FocusEvent event)
 Widget lost focus.
void onFocusReceived (FocusEvent event)
 Widget received focus.
void onGuiThemeChanged ()
 Gui theme changed.
void onKeyPress (KeyEvent event)
 Key pressed.
void onMouseWheel (MouseEvent event)
void onPageDown ()
 Page down pressed.
void onPageUp ()
 Page up pressed.
void onResize (WidgetEvent event)
 Size changed.
bool requestReleaseMouse (Widget widget)
 Request to release mouse capture.
void rollUp ()
 Roll up the list box if dropped down.
void selectionChanged (ListModel listModel)
 Selection in the list box changed.
void setDropDownButtonWidget (Widget widget)
 Set drop down button widget or null if not set.
void setEditor (ComboBoxEditor editor)
 Set combo box editor if editable or null if not editable.
void setElementRenderer (ListElementRenderer renderer)
 Set list element renderer.
void setExplicitDropDown (bool explicitDropDown)
 Drop down only if clicking arrow or pressing directional keys.
void setModel (ListModel model)
 Set list model.
void setNumberDisplayLines (int lines)
 Set number of lines to display in the drop down list box.
void setSelectedElement (int index)
 Set index of the selected item or -1 if none is selected.
void setSelectedFromEditorValue ()
 Set selection from editor value.
void setSelectFromEditorOnDropDown (bool selectedFromEditorOnDropDown)
 Set selected from editor value on drop down.
void startEditing ()
 Start editing if an editor is set.
void toggleDropDown ()
 Toggle between dropped down and rolled up state.
void updateDefaultElementSize ()
 Update default element size.
void updateSelectedVisibility ()
 Update visibility of editor and selected element renderer.
void updateSelectedWidget ()
 Update selected widget.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Dragengine.Gui.Container
void addWidget (Widget widget)
void addWidget (Widget widget, Object settings)
bool allowsChildGrabFocus ()
void doLayout ()
Widget findFocusableWidget ()
Widget findLastFocusableWidget ()
Widget findWidget (Block ablock)
 Find widget using block or null if not found.
int getContainerHeight ()
Point getContainerSize ()
int getContainerWidth ()
bool getHasBlockedDoLayout ()
 doLayout calls happened during runWhileBlockingLayout.
Layout getLayout ()
Point getMinimumSize ()
Point getMinimumSizeForHeight (int height)
 Minimum size of widget using reference widget height and variable width.
Point getMinimumSizeForWidth (int width)
 Minimum size of widget using reference widget width and variable height.
bool getStateChangeNotifyChildren ()
 Notify children if state changed.
Widget getWidget (int index)
Widget getWidgetAt (Point position)
 Widget at coordinates or null if not found.
int getWidgetCount ()
void giveUpFocus ()
bool hasFocusWidget ()
 Focus widget is inside container somewhere.
bool hasWidget (Widget widget)
int indexOfWidget (Widget widget)
Object injectWidget (Object injectValue, Block ablock)
 Process value visiting widgets using block.
bool isChildVisible (Widget child)
bool isMouseInside ()
 Mouse is hovering over this widget.
void layoutParent ()
void moveWidget (Widget widget, int newPosition)
Container new (int x, int y, int width, int height)
Container new (Layout layout)
 Create container with layout.
Container new (Layout layout, Block blockAddContent)
 Create container with layout calling block to add content.
Container new (Point position, Point size)
Widget nextFocusWidgetAfter (Widget widget)
 Find next widget in the focus cycle that can grab the focus.
void onPaddingChanged ()
 Padding changed.
void onStateChanged (StateChangeEvent event)
 State changed.
Widget prevFocusWidgetAfter (Widget widget)
 Find previous widget in the focus cycle that can grab the focus.
void removeAllWidgets ()
 Remove and dispose all widgets.
void removeWidget (Widget widget)
 Remove widget without disposing.
bool requestCaptureMouse (Widget widget)
void runWhileBlockingLayout (Block ablock)
 Run block while layouting is blocked.
void setEnabled (bool enabled)
void setHasBlockedDoLayout (bool hasBlockedDoLayout)
 Set if doLayout calls happened during runWhileBlockingLayout.
void setLayout (Layout layout)
void setMousePointer (MousePointerFactory mousePointer)
 Set mouse pointer to use.
void setStateChangeNotifyChildren (bool notify)
 Set to notify children if state changed.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Dragengine.Gui.Widget
void addDragListener (DragListener listener)
void addFocusListener (FocusListener listener)
 Add focus listener.
void addGamepadListener (GamepadListener listener)
 Add gamepad listener.
void addKeyListener (KeyListener listener)
void addMouseListener (MouseListener listener)
void addStateChangeListener (StateChangeListener listener)
 Add state change listener.
void addWidgetListener (WidgetListener listener)
 Add widget listener.
bool canGrabFullFocus ()
void captureMouse ()
void design ()
 Design widget using WidgetDesigner.
CanvasCreator getBackgroundCanvasCreator ()
 Background canvas creator or null to use background color.
bool getBlockLayoutParent ()
 Block layoutParent calls.
Border getBorder ()
BorderSize getBorderSize ()
RectArea getBoundary ()
 Rectangulare boundary of the widget.
RectArea getBoundaryWithBorder ()
 Rectangulare boundary of the widget including border.
bool getCanFocus ()
CanvasView getCanvasBackground ()
CanvasView getCanvasContent ()
CanvasView getCanvasWidget ()
Clipboard getClipboard ()
 Clipboard or null to use parent clipboard.
ColorMatrix getColorTransformation ()
 Color transformation.
WidgetDesigner getDesigner ()
String getDesignerSelector ()
 Designer selector.
Desktop getDesktop ()
Point getDesktopPosition ()
 Widget position in desktop coordinates.
bool getEnabled ()
MousePointerFactory getFirstMousePointer ()
 First assigned mouse pointer.
Font getFont ()
bool getHasBlockedLayoutParent ()
 layoutParent calls happened during runWhileBlockingLayoutParent.
bool getHasFocus ()
int getHeight ()
 Height of widget.
RangeModel getHorizontalRangeModel ()
 Horizontal range model for viewports to synchronize the horizontal scrollbar.
Widget getHoverWidget ()
 Widget the mouse hovers above or null.
Point getLocalMouseLocation ()
 Parent desktop mouse location in widget coordinates.
Point getMinimumSizeWithBorder ()
Point getMinimumSizeWithBorderForHeight (int height)
 Minimum size of widget with border using reference height.
Point getMinimumSizeWithBorderForWidth (int width)
 Minimum size of widget with border for reference width.
MousePointerFactory getMousePointer ()
 Mouse pointer to use.
BorderSize getPadding ()
Container getParent ()
Point getPosition ()
 Position of the widget.
bool getProtectBackgroundCanvasCreator ()
 Protect custom set background canvas creator.
bool getProtectBorder ()
 Protect custom set border.
bool getProtectFont ()
 Protect custom set font.
bool getProtectMinimumSize ()
 Protect custom set minimumsize.
bool getProtectMousePointer ()
 Protect custom set mouse pointer.
bool getProtectPadding ()
 Protect custom set padding.
bool getProtectTextColor ()
 Protect custom set text color.
Point getRelativePosition (Container parent)
 Widget position in parent widget coordinates.
Point getScreenPosition ()
 Widget position in screen coordinates.
RectArea getScreenRectArea ()
Point getSetMinimumSize ()
Point getSize ()
 Size of the widget.
Color getTextColor ()
 Text color.
String getTitle ()
 Widget title.
Object getToolTip ()
 Tooltip or null.
float getTotalTransparency ()
TexMatrix2 getTransformation ()
float getTransparency ()
RangeModel getVerticalRangeModel ()
 Vertical range model for viewports to synchronize the vertical scrollbar.
bool getVisible ()
int getWidth ()
 Width of widget.
Window getWindow ()
Point getWindowPosition ()
 Widget position in window coordinates.
int getX ()
 X position of widget.
int getY ()
 Y position of widget.
bool hasParent (Container container)
bool isDesignerSet ()
 Custom designer is set.
bool isFullEnabled ()
 Widget and all parent widgets are enabled.
bool isMinimumSizeSet ()
bool isPointInside (Point position)
bool isTransformationSet ()
void layoutParentIfBlocked ()
 Calls layoutParent if getHasBlockedLayoutParent() is true.
Widget nextFocusWidget ()
 Find next widget in the focus cycle that can grab the focus.
void notifyBorderParametersChanged ()
void onDesignerChanged ()
 Designer changed.
void onDispose (WidgetEvent event)
 Window is disposing.
void onFrameUpdate (float elapsed)
 Do frame update.
void onGamepadButtonPressed (GamepadEvent event)
 Gamepad button has been pressed.
void onGamepadButtonReleased (GamepadEvent event)
 Gamepad button has been released.
void onHidden (WidgetEvent event)
 Widget has been hidden.
void onParentStateChanged ()
 Parent state changed.
void onParentStateChanged (bool force)
 Parent state changed.
void onReposition (WidgetEvent event)
 Position changed.
void onSetFont ()
void onSetTextColor ()
 Text color changed.
void onShown (WidgetEvent event)
 Widget has been shown.
void onTranslationChanged ()
 Translation manager or active language pack changed.
void popdownVirtualKeyboard ()
 Popdown virtual keyboard if Desktop has one assigned.
void popupVirtualKeyboard ()
 Popup virtual keyboard if Desktop has one assigned.
Widget prevFocusWidget ()
 Find previous widget in the focus cycle that can grab the focus.
void processEvent (Event event)
void releaseMouse ()
void removeDragListener (DragListener listener)
void removeFocusListener (FocusListener listener)
 Remove focus listener.
void removeGamepadListener (GamepadListener listener)
 Remove gamepad listener.
void removeKeyListener (KeyListener listener)
void removeMouseListener (MouseListener listener)
void removeStateChangeListener (StateChangeListener listener)
 Remove state change listener.
void removeWidgetListener (WidgetListener listener)
 Remove widget listener.
void requestGrabFocus (Widget widget)
void runWhileBlockingLayoutParent (Block ablock)
 Run block while layouting is blocked.
void safeDispose ()
 Safely dispose of widget.
void sendEvent (Event event)
void sendEventToListeners (Event event, bool sendToParent)
 Send event to all appropriate listeners for events of its kind.
void setBackgroundCanvasCreator (CanvasCreator creator)
 Set background canvas creator or null to use background color.
void setBlockLayoutParent (bool blockLayoutParent)
 Set block layoutParent calls.
void setBorder (Border border)
void setCanFocus (bool canFocus)
void setClipboard (Clipboard clipboard)
 Set clipboard or null to use parent clipboard.
void setColorTransformation (ColorMatrix transformation)
 Set color transformation.
void setDesigner (WidgetDesigner designer)
 Set designer.
void setDesignerSelector (String selector)
 Set designer selector.
void setFont (Font font)
void setHasBlockedLayoutParent (bool hasBlockedLayoutParent)
 Set if layoutParent calls happened during runWhileBlockingLayoutParent.
void setHasFocus (bool hasFocus)
void setHeight (int height)
 Set height of widget.
void setMinimumSize (Point size)
void setPadding (BorderSize padding)
 Set padding.
void setParent (Container parent)
void setPosition (Point position)
 Set position of widget.
void setProtectBackgroundCanvasCreator (bool protect)
 Set protect custom set background canvas creator.
void setProtectBorder (bool protect)
 Set protect custom set border.
void setProtectFont (bool protect)
 Set protect custom set font.
void setProtectMinimumSize (bool protect)
 Set protect custom set minimumsize.
void setProtectMousePointer (bool protect)
 Set protect custom set mouse pointer.
void setProtectPadding (bool protect)
 Set protect custom set padding.
void setProtectTextColor (bool protect)
 Set protect custom set text color.
void setSize (Point size)
 Set size of widget.
void setTextColor (Color color)
 Set text color.
void setTitle (String title)
 Set widget title.
void setToolTip (Object toolTip)
 Set tooltip or null.
void setTransformation (TexMatrix2 transformation)
void setTransparency (float transparency)
void setVisible (bool visible)
void setWidth (int width)
 Set width of widget.
void setX (int x)
 Set X position of widget.
void setY (int y)
 Set Y Position of widget.
void startFrameUpdater ()
 Start frame updater if not running.
void stopFrameUpdater ()
 Stop frame updater if running.

Public Attributes

Point pDefaultElementSize
ComboPopup pDropDown
bool pDropDownRequiresSelFromEditor
ComboBoxEditor pEditor
EditorFocusLost pEditorFocusLost
EditorValueChanged pEditorValueChanged
bool pExplicitDropDown
ListBox pListBox
Panel pPanelSelectedElement
bool pPreventUpdateEditor
Widget pSelectedElement
String pSelectedElementDesignerSelector
bool pSelFromEditorOnDropDown
Panel pSpacer
Widget pWidgetButtonDropDown
Container pWidgetButtonDropDownContainer
- Public Attributes inherited from Dragengine.Gui.Container
bool pBlockLayout
Point pCachedMinSize
int pCachedMinSizeForHeightHeight
Point pCachedMinSizeForHeightSize
Point pCachedMinSizeForWidthSize
int pCachedMinSizeForWidthWidth
Array pChildren
bool pHasBlockedDoLayout
Layout pLayout
bool pStateChangeNotifyChildren
- Public Attributes inherited from Dragengine.Gui.Widget
CanvasCreator pBackgroundCanvasCreator
bool pBlockLayoutParent
Border pBorder
bool pCanFocus
CanvasView pCanvasBackground
CanvasView pCanvasContent
CanvasView pCanvasWidget
Clipboard pClipboard
WidgetDesigner pDesigner
String pDesignerSelector
Array pDragListeners
bool pEnabled
Array pFocusListeners
Font pFont
FrameUpdater pFrameUpdater
Array pGamepadListeners
bool pHasBlockedLayoutParent
bool pHasFocus
bool pIsDesignerSet
Array pKeyListeners
Point pMinSize
Array pMouseListeners
MousePointerFactory pMousePointer
BorderSize pPadding
Container pParent
Point pPosition
bool pProtectBackgroundCanvasCreator
bool pProtectBorder
bool pProtectFont
bool pProtectMinimumSize
bool pProtectMousePointer
bool pProtectPadding
bool pProtectTextColor
RepeatKeyEventTimer pRepeatEventTimer
Point pSize
Array pStateChangeListeners
Color pTextColor
GuiTheme pTheme
String pThemeSelector
String pTitle
Object pToolTip
TexMatrix2 pTransformation
TranslationManager pTranslationManager
float pTransparency
bool pVisible
Array pWidgetListeners

Protected Member Functions

bool getDropDownRequiresSelectFromEditor ()
 Select from editor value is required during next drop down.
void setDropDownRequiresSelectFromEditor (bool requiresSelectFromEditor)
 Set select from editor value is required during next drop down.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Dragengine.Gui.Widget
WidgetDesigner getDesignerFromTheme ()
 Get designer from gui theme.
void updateCanvasBackground ()
 Update background canvas content.
void updateCanvasGeometry ()
 Update canvas position and size.

Detailed Description

Drop down list displaying the currently selected element.

Supports designing using designer selector "ComboBox". The drop-down list box supports desining using designer selector "ListBox.ComboBox".

Member Function Documentation

◆ contentChanged()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.contentChanged ( ListModel  listModel,
int  fromIndex,
int  toIndex 

Content of the model changed.

Implements Dragengine.Gui.ListModelListener.

◆ dispose()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.dispose ( )

Dispose of widget.

Reimplemented from Dragengine.Gui.Widget.

◆ dropDown()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.dropDown ( )

Drop down the list box if not already dropped down.

◆ droppedDown()

bool Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.droppedDown ( )

Drop down list visible.

◆ elementsAdded()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.elementsAdded ( ListModel  listModel,
int  fromIndex,
int  toIndex 

Elements have been added.

Implements Dragengine.Gui.ListModelListener.

◆ elementsRemoved()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.elementsRemoved ( ListModel  listModel,
int  fromIndex,
int  toIndex 

Elements have been removed.

Implements Dragengine.Gui.ListModelListener.

◆ getButtonDropDownWidget()

Widget Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.getButtonDropDownWidget ( )

Drop down button widget or null if not set.

For use by button designers.

◆ getDefaultElementSize()

Point Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.getDefaultElementSize ( )

Get default element size.

◆ getDropDownRequiresSelectFromEditor()

bool Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.getDropDownRequiresSelectFromEditor ( )

Select from editor value is required during next drop down.


◆ getEditor()

ComboBoxEditor Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.getEditor ( )

Combo box editor if editable or null if not editable.

◆ getElementRenderer()

ListElementRenderer Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.getElementRenderer ( )

List element renderer.

◆ getExplicitDropDown()

bool Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.getExplicitDropDown ( )

Drop down only if clicking arrow or pressing directional keys.


If true clicking on widget or receiving focus does not drop down. By default false.

◆ getModel()

ListModel Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.getModel ( )

List model.

◆ getNumberDisplayLines()

int Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.getNumberDisplayLines ( )

Number of lines to display in the drop down list box.

◆ getSelectedElement()

int Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.getSelectedElement ( )

Index of the selected item or -1 if none is selected.

◆ getSelectFromEditorOnDropDown()

bool Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.getSelectFromEditorOnDropDown ( )

Set selected from editor value on drop down.


If true delays sets selected from editor value until drop down. If false sets selected from editor immediately. This can be slow down UI if the list has many elements.

Default value is true.

◆ getWidgetSelectedElement()

Widget Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.getWidgetSelectedElement ( )

Selected element widget or null.


◆ grabFocus()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.grabFocus ( )

Grab focus if possible.

If an editor is set grabs focus of edit widget instead.

Reimplemented from Dragengine.Gui.Widget.

◆ new() [1/5]

ComboBox Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.new ( )

Create combo box widget.

Reimplemented from Dragengine.Gui.Container.

◆ new() [2/5]

ComboBox Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.new ( ListModel  model)

Create combo box widget.

◆ new() [3/5]

ComboBox Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.new ( ListModel  model,
ComboBoxEditor  editor 

Create combo box widget.

◆ new() [4/5]

ComboBox Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.new ( ListModel  model,
ListElementRenderer  renderer 

Create combo box widget.

◆ new() [5/5]

ComboBox Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.new ( ListModel  model,
ListElementRenderer  renderer,
ComboBoxEditor  editor 

Create combo box widget.

◆ onArrowDown()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.onArrowDown ( )

Arrow down pressed.


◆ onArrowUp()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.onArrowUp ( )

Arrow up pressed.


◆ onButtonPress()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.onButtonPress ( MouseEvent  event)

Mouse button pressed.

◆ onDesignerSelectorChanged()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.onDesignerSelectorChanged ( )

Designer selector changed.

Reimplemented from Dragengine.Gui.Widget.

◆ onFocusLost()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.onFocusLost ( FocusEvent  event)

Widget lost focus.

Reimplemented from Dragengine.Gui.Widget.

◆ onFocusReceived()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.onFocusReceived ( FocusEvent  event)

Widget received focus.

Reimplemented from Dragengine.Gui.Widget.

◆ onGuiThemeChanged()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.onGuiThemeChanged ( )

Gui theme changed.

Called if setGuiTheme is used or parent changed.

You have to super-call this method since it is used a bit differently than the other callback methods.

Reimplemented from Dragengine.Gui.Container.

◆ onKeyPress()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.onKeyPress ( KeyEvent  event)

Key pressed.

◆ onMouseWheel()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.onMouseWheel ( MouseEvent  event)

Mouse wheeled.

◆ onPageDown()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.onPageDown ( )

Page down pressed.


◆ onPageUp()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.onPageUp ( )

Page up pressed.


◆ onResize()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.onResize ( WidgetEvent  event)

Size changed.

Reimplemented from Dragengine.Gui.Widget.

◆ requestReleaseMouse()

bool Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.requestReleaseMouse ( Widget  widget)

Request to release mouse capture.

Capture mouse to popup window if visible. Required if editor widget captures mouse.

Reimplemented from Dragengine.Gui.Container.

◆ rollUp()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.rollUp ( )

Roll up the list box if dropped down.

◆ selectionChanged()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.selectionChanged ( ListModel  listModel)

Selection in the list box changed.

Implements Dragengine.Gui.ListModelListener.

◆ setDropDownButtonWidget()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.setDropDownButtonWidget ( Widget  widget)

Set drop down button widget or null if not set.

For use by button designers.

◆ setDropDownRequiresSelectFromEditor()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.setDropDownRequiresSelectFromEditor ( bool  requiresSelectFromEditor)

Set select from editor value is required during next drop down.


◆ setEditor()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.setEditor ( ComboBoxEditor  editor)

Set combo box editor if editable or null if not editable.

◆ setElementRenderer()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.setElementRenderer ( ListElementRenderer  renderer)

Set list element renderer.

◆ setExplicitDropDown()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.setExplicitDropDown ( bool  explicitDropDown)

Drop down only if clicking arrow or pressing directional keys.


If true clicking on widget or receiving focus does not drop down. By default false.

◆ setModel()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.setModel ( ListModel  model)

Set list model.

◆ setNumberDisplayLines()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.setNumberDisplayLines ( int  lines)

Set number of lines to display in the drop down list box.

◆ setSelectedElement()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.setSelectedElement ( int  index)

Set index of the selected item or -1 if none is selected.

◆ setSelectedFromEditorValue()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.setSelectedFromEditorValue ( )

Set selection from editor value.

◆ setSelectFromEditorOnDropDown()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.setSelectFromEditorOnDropDown ( bool  selectedFromEditorOnDropDown)

Set selected from editor value on drop down.


If true delays sets selected from editor value until drop down. If false sets selected from editor immediately. This can be slow down UI if the list has many elements.

Default value is true.

◆ startEditing()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.startEditing ( )

Start editing if an editor is set.

◆ toggleDropDown()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.toggleDropDown ( )

Toggle between dropped down and rolled up state.

◆ updateDefaultElementSize()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.updateDefaultElementSize ( )

Update default element size.

◆ updateSelectedVisibility()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.updateSelectedVisibility ( )

Update visibility of editor and selected element renderer.

◆ updateSelectedWidget()

void Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.updateSelectedWidget ( )

Update selected widget.

Member Data Documentation

◆ pDefaultElementSize

Point Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.pDefaultElementSize

◆ pDropDown

ComboPopup Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.pDropDown

◆ pDropDownRequiresSelFromEditor

bool Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.pDropDownRequiresSelFromEditor

◆ pEditor

ComboBoxEditor Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.pEditor

◆ pEditorFocusLost

EditorFocusLost Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.pEditorFocusLost

◆ pEditorValueChanged

EditorValueChanged Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.pEditorValueChanged

◆ pExplicitDropDown

bool Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.pExplicitDropDown

◆ pListBox

ListBox Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.pListBox

◆ pPanelSelectedElement

Panel Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.pPanelSelectedElement

◆ pPreventUpdateEditor

bool Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.pPreventUpdateEditor

◆ pSelectedElement

Widget Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.pSelectedElement

◆ pSelectedElementDesignerSelector

String Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.pSelectedElementDesignerSelector

◆ pSelFromEditorOnDropDown

bool Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.pSelFromEditorOnDropDown

◆ pSpacer

Panel Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.pSpacer

◆ pWidgetButtonDropDown

Widget Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.pWidgetButtonDropDown

◆ pWidgetButtonDropDownContainer

Container Dragengine.Gui.ComboBox.pWidgetButtonDropDownContainer

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: