Drag[en]gine Script Module DragonScript 1.23
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Dragengine.ServiceListener Interface Reference

Service listener. More...

Inheritance diagram for Dragengine.ServiceListener:
Dragengine.Services.ServiceEos Dragengine.Services.ServiceModio Dragengine.Services.ServiceMsgdk Dragengine.Services.ServiceSteam

Public Member Functions

void eventReceived (Service service, ServiceObject event)
 Service event received for example notifications.
void requestFailed (Service service, UniqueID id, ServiceObject error)
 Request failed.
void requestResponse (Service service, UniqueID id, ServiceObject response, bool finished)
 Response received for request.

Detailed Description

Service listener.


This is a native class.

Member Function Documentation

◆ eventReceived()

void Dragengine.ServiceListener.eventReceived ( Service  service,
ServiceObject  event 

Service event received for example notifications.

serviceService receiving the event.
eventEvent data.

◆ requestFailed()

void Dragengine.ServiceListener.requestFailed ( Service  service,
UniqueID  id,
ServiceObject  error 

Request failed.

serviceService receiving the failure.
idIdentifier of request that failed.
errorFailure data.

◆ requestResponse()

void Dragengine.ServiceListener.requestResponse ( Service  service,
UniqueID  id,
ServiceObject  response,
bool  finished 

Response received for request.

serviceService receiving the response.
idIdentifier of request this response belongs to.
responseResponse data.
finishedTrue if the request finished or false if more responses will be received.

Implemented in Dragengine.Services.ServiceEos, Dragengine.Services.ServiceModio, Dragengine.Services.ServiceMsgdk, and Dragengine.Services.ServiceSteam.

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