Drag[en]gine Script Module DragonScript 1.23
Public Attributes | |
beginInstall | |
Begin installing modification. | |
beginUninstall | |
Begin uninstalling modification. | |
beginUpdate | |
Begin updating modification to latest version. | |
beginUpload | |
Begin uploading modification. | |
installed | |
Finished installing modification. | |
progress | |
Progress information. | |
uninstalled | |
Finished uninstalling modification. | |
updated | |
Finished updating modification to latest version. | |
uploaded | |
Finished uploading modification. | |
\bief Mod management event.
Dragengine.Services.Mods.ServiceMods.ManagementEvent.beginInstall |
Begin installing modification.
Dragengine.Services.Mods.ServiceMods.ManagementEvent.beginUninstall |
Begin uninstalling modification.
Allowed only if the modification is deactivated.
Dragengine.Services.Mods.ServiceMods.ManagementEvent.beginUpdate |
Begin updating modification to latest version.
Dragengine.Services.Mods.ServiceMods.ManagementEvent.beginUpload |
Begin uploading modification.
Dragengine.Services.Mods.ServiceMods.ManagementEvent.installed |
Finished installing modification.
Modification is now allowed to be activated.
Dragengine.Services.Mods.ServiceMods.ManagementEvent.progress |
Progress information.
Dragengine.Services.Mods.ServiceMods.ManagementEvent.uninstalled |
Finished uninstalling modification.
Dragengine.Services.Mods.ServiceMods.ManagementEvent.updated |
Finished updating modification to latest version.
Dragengine.Services.Mods.ServiceMods.ManagementEvent.uploaded |
Finished uploading modification.