MMPanelModInfo | getPanelModInfo () |
| Modification information panel.
MMWindowModInfo | new (Window window, ServiceMods serviceMods, MMModification mod) |
| Create modification information window.
void | close () |
| Close dialog.
void | dispose () |
| Dispose of window.
Widget | getAcceptWidget () |
| Minimum size the dialog should have but it can be larger or null.
Object | getResult () |
| Result to send to action listener upon closing dialog.
ResultListener | getResultListener () |
| Result listener or null if not set.
WindowDialog | new () |
| Create dialog window.
WindowDialog | new (int x, int y, int width, int height) |
| Create window with the given geometry.
void | setAcceptWidget (Widget widget) |
| Set widget to send InputEventKey.enter key press to or null.
void | setResult (Object result) |
| Set result to send to action listener upon closing dialog.
void | setResultListener (ResultListener listener) |
| Set result listener or null if not set.
Point | calcWindowPosition (Window blockWindow, Placement placement) |
| Calculate window position.
Window | getBlockWindow () |
| Window this window is blocking or null if not shown.
void | moveAbove (Window window) |
| Move window right above the given window.
void | moveAboveBlockWindow () |
| Move above block window if present.
void | moveBelow (Window window) |
| Move window right below the given window.
void | moveToBottom () |
| Move window to the bottom.
void | moveToTop () |
| Move window to the top.
void | show (Window blockWindow, bool fitSize, Placement placement) |
| Show window and block window.
void | show (Window blockWindow, Placement placement) |
| Show window fit to content and block window.
void | showAt (Window blockWindow, Point position) |
| Show window at position and block window.
void | activeWidgetGrabFocus () |
void | addWindowListener (WindowListener listener) |
| Add window listener.
void | becomeBackgroundWindow () |
| Set window to act as a non-interactive background window.
void | centerWindow () |
| Move window to the center of the parent desktop.
void | fitToContent () |
| Fit window size to content size.
bool | getActivated () |
| Window is activated.
Widget | getActiveWidget () |
| Active widget or null if there is none.
bool | getAlwaysOnTop () |
| Window is always on top of all others.
WindowModal | getBlockingWindow () |
| Modal window blocking this window or null.
bool | getCanActivate () |
| Window can be activated.
bool | getCanClose () |
| Window can be closed.
bool | getCanMaximize () |
| Window can be maximized.
bool | getCanMinimize () |
| Window can be minimized.
bool | getCanMove () |
| Window can be moved.
bool | getCanReorder () |
| Window can be reordered.
bool | getCanResize () |
| Window can be resized.
Decoration | getDecoration () |
| Decoration of window.
BorderSize | getDecorationSize () |
| Get decoration size.
Color | getModalDarkenColor () |
| Darkening color while modal window is in use.
bool | getProtectDecoration () |
| Protect custom set decoration.
bool | getProtectModalDarkenColor () |
| Protect custom set modal window darkening color.
Window | getTopBlockingWindow () |
| Get top most blocking window or null.
Window | getWindow () |
| Window or null if this widget is not part of a window.
Point | getWindowPosition () |
| Widget position in window coordinates.
WindowState | getWindowState () |
| Window state.
void | grabFocus () |
| Grab the focus if possible.
Window | new (Point position, Point size) |
| Create window with the given geometry.
Widget | nextFocusWidgetAfter (Widget widget) |
| Find next widget in the focus cycle that can grab the focus.
void | onDesignerChanged () |
| Designer changed.
void | onDesignerSelectorChanged () |
| Designer selector changed.
void | onDesktopResized () |
| Desktop size changed.
void | onGuiThemeChanged () |
| Gui theme changed.
void | onMaximized (WindowEvent event) |
| Window has been maximized.
void | onMinimized (WindowEvent event) |
| Window has been minimized.
void | onTranslationChanged () |
| Translation manager or active language pack changed.
Widget | prevFocusWidgetAfter (Widget widget) |
| Find previous widget in the focus cycle that can grab the focus.
void | removeWindowListener (WindowListener listener) |
| Remove window listener.
void | requestClose () |
| Request closing window.
void | requestGrabFocus (Widget widget) |
| Request to focus the specified widget.
void | sendEventToListeners (Event event, bool sendToParent) |
| Send event to all appropriate listeners for events of its kind.
void | setActivated (bool activated) |
| Set if window is activated.
void | setActiveWidget (Widget widget) |
| Set active widget.
void | setAlwaysOnTop (bool alwaysOnTop) |
| Set if window is always on top of all others.
void | setBlockingWindow (WindowModal window) |
| Set modal window blocking this window or null.
void | setCanActivate (bool canActivate) |
| Set if window can be activated.
void | setCanClose (bool canClose) |
| Set if window can be closed.
void | setCanMaximize (bool canMaximize) |
| Set if window can be maximized.
void | setCanMinimize (bool canMinimize) |
| Set if window can be minimized.
void | setCanMove (bool canMove) |
| Set if window can be moved.
void | setCanReorder (bool canReorder) |
| Set if window can be reordered.
void | setCanResize (bool canResize) |
| Set window can be resized.
void | setDecoration (Decoration decoration) |
| Set decoration of window.
void | setModalDarkenColor (Color color) |
| Set darkening color while modal window is in use.
void | setProtectDecoration (bool protect) |
| Set protect custom set decoration.
void | setProtectModalDarkenColor (bool protect) |
| Set protect custom set modal window darkening color.
void | setTitle (String title) |
| Set window title.
void | setWindowState (WindowState state) |
| Set window state.
void | addWidget (Widget widget) |
void | addWidget (Widget widget, Object settings) |
bool | allowsChildGrabFocus () |
void | doLayout () |
Widget | findFocusableWidget () |
Widget | findLastFocusableWidget () |
Widget | findWidget (Block ablock) |
| Find widget using block or null if not found.
int | getContainerHeight () |
Point | getContainerSize () |
int | getContainerWidth () |
bool | getHasBlockedDoLayout () |
| doLayout calls happened during runWhileBlockingLayout.
Layout | getLayout () |
Point | getMinimumSize () |
Point | getMinimumSizeForHeight (int height) |
| Minimum size of widget using reference widget height and variable width.
Point | getMinimumSizeForWidth (int width) |
| Minimum size of widget using reference widget width and variable height.
bool | getStateChangeNotifyChildren () |
| Notify children if state changed.
Widget | getWidget (int index) |
Widget | getWidgetAt (Point position) |
| Widget at coordinates or null if not found.
int | getWidgetCount () |
void | giveUpFocus () |
bool | hasFocusWidget () |
| Focus widget is inside container somewhere.
bool | hasWidget (Widget widget) |
int | indexOfWidget (Widget widget) |
Object | injectWidget (Object injectValue, Block ablock) |
| Process value visiting widgets using block.
bool | isChildVisible (Widget child) |
bool | isMouseInside () |
| Mouse is hovering over this widget.
void | layoutParent () |
void | moveWidget (Widget widget, int newPosition) |
Container | new (Layout layout) |
| Create container with layout.
Container | new (Layout layout, Block blockAddContent) |
| Create container with layout calling block to add content.
void | onPaddingChanged () |
| Padding changed.
void | onStateChanged (StateChangeEvent event) |
| State changed.
void | removeAllWidgets () |
| Remove and dispose all widgets.
void | removeWidget (Widget widget) |
| Remove widget without disposing.
bool | requestCaptureMouse (Widget widget) |
bool | requestReleaseMouse (Widget widget) |
void | runWhileBlockingLayout (Block ablock) |
| Run block while layouting is blocked.
void | setEnabled (bool enabled) |
void | setHasBlockedDoLayout (bool hasBlockedDoLayout) |
| Set if doLayout calls happened during runWhileBlockingLayout.
void | setLayout (Layout layout) |
void | setMousePointer (MousePointerFactory mousePointer) |
| Set mouse pointer to use.
void | setStateChangeNotifyChildren (bool notify) |
| Set to notify children if state changed.
void | addDragListener (DragListener listener) |
void | addFocusListener (FocusListener listener) |
| Add focus listener.
void | addGamepadListener (GamepadListener listener) |
| Add gamepad listener.
void | addKeyListener (KeyListener listener) |
void | addMouseListener (MouseListener listener) |
void | addStateChangeListener (StateChangeListener listener) |
| Add state change listener.
void | addWidgetListener (WidgetListener listener) |
| Add widget listener.
bool | canGrabFullFocus () |
void | captureMouse () |
void | design () |
| Design widget using WidgetDesigner.
CanvasCreator | getBackgroundCanvasCreator () |
| Background canvas creator or null to use background color.
bool | getBlockLayoutParent () |
| Block layoutParent calls.
Border | getBorder () |
BorderSize | getBorderSize () |
RectArea | getBoundary () |
| Rectangulare boundary of the widget.
RectArea | getBoundaryWithBorder () |
| Rectangulare boundary of the widget including border.
bool | getCanFocus () |
CanvasView | getCanvasBackground () |
CanvasView | getCanvasContent () |
CanvasView | getCanvasWidget () |
Clipboard | getClipboard () |
| Clipboard or null to use parent clipboard.
ColorMatrix | getColorTransformation () |
| Color transformation.
WidgetDesigner | getDesigner () |
| Designer.
String | getDesignerSelector () |
| Designer selector.
Desktop | getDesktop () |
Point | getDesktopPosition () |
| Widget position in desktop coordinates.
bool | getEnabled () |
MousePointerFactory | getFirstMousePointer () |
| First assigned mouse pointer.
Font | getFont () |
bool | getHasBlockedLayoutParent () |
| layoutParent calls happened during runWhileBlockingLayoutParent.
bool | getHasFocus () |
int | getHeight () |
| Height of widget.
RangeModel | getHorizontalRangeModel () |
| Horizontal range model for viewports to synchronize the horizontal scrollbar.
Widget | getHoverWidget () |
| Widget the mouse hovers above or null.
Point | getLocalMouseLocation () |
| Parent desktop mouse location in widget coordinates.
Point | getMinimumSizeWithBorder () |
Point | getMinimumSizeWithBorderForHeight (int height) |
| Minimum size of widget with border using reference height.
Point | getMinimumSizeWithBorderForWidth (int width) |
| Minimum size of widget with border for reference width.
MousePointerFactory | getMousePointer () |
| Mouse pointer to use.
BorderSize | getPadding () |
| Padding.
Container | getParent () |
Point | getPosition () |
| Position of the widget.
bool | getProtectBackgroundCanvasCreator () |
| Protect custom set background canvas creator.
bool | getProtectBorder () |
| Protect custom set border.
bool | getProtectFont () |
| Protect custom set font.
bool | getProtectMinimumSize () |
| Protect custom set minimumsize.
bool | getProtectMousePointer () |
| Protect custom set mouse pointer.
bool | getProtectPadding () |
| Protect custom set padding.
bool | getProtectTextColor () |
| Protect custom set text color.
Point | getRelativePosition (Container parent) |
| Widget position in parent widget coordinates.
Point | getScreenPosition () |
| Widget position in screen coordinates.
RectArea | getScreenRectArea () |
Point | getSetMinimumSize () |
Point | getSize () |
| Size of the widget.
Color | getTextColor () |
| Text color.
String | getTitle () |
| Widget title.
Object | getToolTip () |
| Tooltip or null.
float | getTotalTransparency () |
TexMatrix2 | getTransformation () |
float | getTransparency () |
RangeModel | getVerticalRangeModel () |
| Vertical range model for viewports to synchronize the vertical scrollbar.
bool | getVisible () |
int | getWidth () |
| Width of widget.
int | getX () |
| X position of widget.
int | getY () |
| Y position of widget.
bool | hasParent (Container container) |
bool | isDesignerSet () |
| Custom designer is set.
bool | isFullEnabled () |
| Widget and all parent widgets are enabled.
bool | isMinimumSizeSet () |
bool | isPointInside (Point position) |
bool | isTransformationSet () |
void | layoutParentIfBlocked () |
| Calls layoutParent if getHasBlockedLayoutParent() is true.
Widget | nextFocusWidget () |
| Find next widget in the focus cycle that can grab the focus.
void | notifyBorderParametersChanged () |
void | onDispose (WidgetEvent event) |
| Window is disposing.
void | onFocusLost (FocusEvent event) |
| Widget lost focus.
void | onFocusReceived (FocusEvent event) |
| Widget received focus.
void | onFrameUpdate (float elapsed) |
| Do frame update.
void | onGamepadButtonPressed (GamepadEvent event) |
| Gamepad button has been pressed.
void | onGamepadButtonReleased (GamepadEvent event) |
| Gamepad button has been released.
void | onHidden (WidgetEvent event) |
| Widget has been hidden.
void | onParentStateChanged () |
| Parent state changed.
void | onParentStateChanged (bool force) |
| Parent state changed.
void | onReposition (WidgetEvent event) |
| Position changed.
void | onResize (WidgetEvent event) |
| Size changed.
void | onSetFont () |
void | onSetTextColor () |
| Text color changed.
void | onShown (WidgetEvent event) |
| Widget has been shown.
void | popdownVirtualKeyboard () |
| Popdown virtual keyboard if Desktop has one assigned.
void | popupVirtualKeyboard () |
| Popup virtual keyboard if Desktop has one assigned.
Widget | prevFocusWidget () |
| Find previous widget in the focus cycle that can grab the focus.
void | processEvent (Event event) |
void | releaseMouse () |
void | removeDragListener (DragListener listener) |
void | removeFocusListener (FocusListener listener) |
| Remove focus listener.
void | removeGamepadListener (GamepadListener listener) |
| Remove gamepad listener.
void | removeKeyListener (KeyListener listener) |
void | removeMouseListener (MouseListener listener) |
void | removeStateChangeListener (StateChangeListener listener) |
| Remove state change listener.
void | removeWidgetListener (WidgetListener listener) |
| Remove widget listener.
void | runWhileBlockingLayoutParent (Block ablock) |
| Run block while layouting is blocked.
void | safeDispose () |
| Safely dispose of widget.
void | sendEvent (Event event) |
void | setBackgroundCanvasCreator (CanvasCreator creator) |
| Set background canvas creator or null to use background color.
void | setBlockLayoutParent (bool blockLayoutParent) |
| Set block layoutParent calls.
void | setBorder (Border border) |
void | setCanFocus (bool canFocus) |
void | setClipboard (Clipboard clipboard) |
| Set clipboard or null to use parent clipboard.
void | setColorTransformation (ColorMatrix transformation) |
| Set color transformation.
void | setDesigner (WidgetDesigner designer) |
| Set designer.
void | setDesignerSelector (String selector) |
| Set designer selector.
void | setFont (Font font) |
void | setHasBlockedLayoutParent (bool hasBlockedLayoutParent) |
| Set if layoutParent calls happened during runWhileBlockingLayoutParent.
void | setHasFocus (bool hasFocus) |
void | setHeight (int height) |
| Set height of widget.
void | setMinimumSize (Point size) |
void | setPadding (BorderSize padding) |
| Set padding.
void | setParent (Container parent) |
void | setPosition (Point position) |
| Set position of widget.
void | setProtectBackgroundCanvasCreator (bool protect) |
| Set protect custom set background canvas creator.
void | setProtectBorder (bool protect) |
| Set protect custom set border.
void | setProtectFont (bool protect) |
| Set protect custom set font.
void | setProtectMinimumSize (bool protect) |
| Set protect custom set minimumsize.
void | setProtectMousePointer (bool protect) |
| Set protect custom set mouse pointer.
void | setProtectPadding (bool protect) |
| Set protect custom set padding.
void | setProtectTextColor (bool protect) |
| Set protect custom set text color.
void | setSize (Point size) |
| Set size of widget.
void | setTextColor (Color color) |
| Set text color.
void | setToolTip (Object toolTip) |
| Set tooltip or null.
void | setTransformation (TexMatrix2 transformation) |
void | setTransparency (float transparency) |
void | setVisible (bool visible) |
void | setWidth (int width) |
| Set width of widget.
void | setX (int x) |
| Set X position of widget.
void | setY (int y) |
| Set Y Position of widget.
void | startFrameUpdater () |
| Start frame updater if not running.
void | stopFrameUpdater () |
| Stop frame updater if running.