Drag[en]gine Script Module DragonScript 1.24
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Todo List
Class Dragengine.Gui.ConsoleInputField
Class Dragengine.Gui.DefaultDragAndDrop
Class Dragengine.Gui.Desktop
Add support to set mouse pointers for different situations:
  • normal mouse pointer
  • resizing mouse pointes: 8 pointers for each direction these also have to go into a new DefaultDesktopDesigner class. change the mouse pointer depending on the situation. mouse pointers should have only the responsibility to provide and update a canvas. complex logic like showing additional widgets like the InfoMousePointer does have to be moved into MouseListener which update widgets matching the mouse pointer position. this separates extended logic from basic design which can be done using XML. It also allows to attach logic to a MousePointer without the need to alter the instance itself.
Member Dragengine.Gui.ModManagement.MMPanelModManagement.SearchCategoryCheckBox.ServiceModsSelectionChanged.new (Array modsServices, Array userServices)
For the time being only the first service is used.
Class Dragengine.Scenery.ECBehaviorDynamicSkin
Add "light id" and "particle emitter id" to allow the dynamic skin to attach also to lights (as light skin) and particle emitters.
Member Dragengine.Utils.StyledText.Definition.STDStyle.new (String name, DefaultWidgetDesigner.StateDesign design)
Support canvas designer as background. This way the canvas creator from the design can be used. Right now Color.transparent is used.
Member Dragengine.Utils.StyledText.Definition.STDStyle.new (String name, DefaultLabelDesigner.LabelStateDesign design)
Support canvas designer as background. This way the canvas creator from the design can be used. Right now Color.transparent is used.